A month or so ago, I opened a twitter account for the Cape Cod Daily. Since that time we have aquired 150+ Twitter followers and that's with me blocking spammers from following the CCD as I find them. This happens quite a bit. There is alot of spam on Twitter, so let's have a little fun with some of the spam profiles that follow the CCD...

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Now this isn't a dig on any of our "real" followers, but some of the spam profiles are worth a chuckle.

clicketmaster: Ok, so apparently clicket is some sort of women's sport where you use a raquet. Similar to ping pong???

clicket master

Twiter wealth: I guess some other spammer got twitterwealth, so they just had to settle for twiter? From that pic it looks like their gonna show me more than how to make $500 daily from my auto-pilot twitter account. My twitter account is on auto pilot and it doesn't make anything... wtf?

thefishingguru: Apart from being the fishing guru, Curtis is also the asseenontvguru, the bicycleguru, the healthynewsguru and the footballguru.

the fishing guru

We'll just call Curtis the TwitterSpamGuru, ok?

twitter spam guru

I never would have imagined that the Cape Cod Daily is followed by readers spammers in Mumbai, India! Now that is cool...

I just want to apologize to any of these people if they really actually read the Cape Cod News.

Oh yeah, if you are truly interested in following the Cape Cod Daily on Twitter, we automatically post the latest 3 news stories and blog posts every hour to our Twitter stream.

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