Posted by Cape Cod Daily News via Hyannis News
Wednesday February 12, 2025 (1 month ago)

security patrol property check service

VIDEO NOTE: As you’ll see in the following clip from The Daily Show, even comedian/political commentator Jon Stewart agrees with President Trump regarding the soggy “paper straw” issue! [VIDEO CLIP – PRESS PLAY] The following is President Trump’s Executive Order to end the procurement and forced use of paper straws, word-for-word: ENDING THE FORCED USE OF PAPER STRAWS: Today, President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order to end the procurement and forced use of paper straws.
    • The Federal government is directed to stop purchasing paper straws and ensure they are no longer provided within Federal buildings.
    • The Order requires the development of a National Strategy to End the Use of Paper Straws within 45 days to alleviate the forced use of paper straws nationwide.
  BRINGING BACK COMMON SENSE: The irrational campaign against plastic straws has forced Americans to use nonfunctional paper straws. This ends under President Trump.
    • Cities and states across America have banned plastic straws, caving to pressure from woke activists who prioritize symbolism over science.
    • Paper straws use chemicals that may carry risks to human health – including “forever chemical” PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) which are known to be highly water soluble and can bleed from the straw into a drink.
      • A study found that while PFAS were found in paper straws, no measurable PFAS were found in plastic straws.
    • Paper straws are more expensive than plastic straws, and often force users to use multiple straws.
    • Paper straws are not the eco-friendly alternative they claim to be – studies have shown that producing paper straws can have a larger carbon footprint and require more water than plastic straws.
    • Paper straws often come individually wrapped in plastic, undermining the environmental argument for their use.
  PROMOTING A CLEAN AND HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT: President Trump has made it a top priority to promote a clean and healthy environment for the American people.
    • President Trump’s policies are promoting economic growth, while still maintaining standards that allow Americans to have among the cleanest air and water in the world.
    • This marks a sharp contrast from the previous Administration, which wasted American taxpayer dollars on virtue signaling instead of implementing effective solutions.
      • For instance, the Biden Administration spent billions on electric vehicle charging stations, yet only eight were completed.
    • Meanwhile, President Trump’s commonsense approach to environmental conservation has demonstrated his true commitment to preserving America’s natural resources.
    • President Trump has championed improved forest management in order to prevent forest fires that are devastating communities and ecosystems across the country.
    • By pausing the expansion of windmills, President Trump recognized their detrimental environmental impact, particularly on wildlife, often outweighs their benefits.
    • President Trump signed the Save Our Seas Act to preserve and protect our beautiful waters and oceans from being littered with garbage.
    • President Trump is committed to securing American energy independence, recognizing that America’s domestic supply of clean coal and natural gas not only strengthens national security but also provides some of the cleanest energy in the world.

Full Story at Hyannis News

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