So you voted for the Tea Party, but now that you've seen their rush to completely dismantle the government of the United States, maybe they look a bit more like Libertarians to you. That's because they are. Tell me you didn't fall for all that "Tea Party" hogwash when one of the Tea Party's most inlunential leaders believes that the Revolutionary War battles at Lexington and Concord, actually took place a state away in New Hampshire?

Remember when Libertarians were thought to be just a bit too much, not really a political party except that they did talk a lot among themselves about "issues" that didn't seem to interest other people? I always looked upon them as anarchists with toothaches. Libertarians just didn't like government, although quite a few of them were being supported by it with disability checks, Social Security, Medicare, service disabilities, etc. In other words, it was like most things in the U.S. - screwy.

The Libertarian seemed to believe the United States would be a much better place if the government would just step back and out of our lives. Heck, we could take care of this country ourselves, couldn't we? Anyone for some work on federal highway I95 this morning? I've got a few hours to kill.

In other words the Libertarians seemed a little loony. This whole idea of taking a government going into its third century and just turning it upside down, I think, deserves a quick trip to the shrink. 

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But the Libertarians would be saved. Their way of looking at these United States, despite reams of polls showing most American's thought they were crazed, would suddenly come to be seen as normal. Wasn't the government our enemy? Didn't our former B movie actor Ronald Reagan tell us that? And it all happened so innocently and so quietly.

Really you almost had to be there. It was a simply trick really. The libertarians just began calling themselves the Tea Party. I am sure they will write a much more interesting history, but doesn't everyone in America get a chance to lie themselves out of it? You have to understand that there is basically no real difference between these zany political parties. And yesterday the Speaker of the House said there was "no light" between his view and the Tea Party's. Makes you wonder about how bright that light could be, doesn't it?

At this very moment The House is holding up the budget over things like ending the EPA, crippling Planned Parenthood, and defunding most of the operation at the NEA, the National Endowment of the Arts. These are all agencies that the majority of civilized countries have. No one in their legislatures would ever think of defunding them because they are a mark of national pride.

Only in American, where our so-called Libertarians have snuck into Congress wearing tea bags over their heads could this nonsense happen. Only here where a state allows college and junior college students to carry guns on Campus, and where some states actually allow you to take your six-shooter right into a bar room - only in this soon-to-be an intellectually Third World country, which should be Third World materially in less than 70 years - only here among the truly stupid right-wingers can we appreciate just how dumb they have become.

Did you know, for example, that even in the Old West, people carrying weapons were often not allowed in drinking places until they came back without them. Here we have some  armed drinkers who have received their Western History lessons from a guy name Louis B.Meyer, a movie maker. Yes a lot of those Westerns you saw were just movies, their participants were only actors. You are not required to read off this script which was written during the Great Depression, another Republican holiday.

The National Endowment of the Arts is always a tough one. Have you noticed how it's usually the guy complaining about the breast revealed in the portrait or on the statue? He says something like "Why should my tax dollars have to finance that breast?" To which I answer, your puny tax dollars couldn't afford such a breast, even it if were a real breast in a hot sheets motel downtown.

I remember when the nuclear engineer stepped out of the White House because Reagan traded guns for hostages and forget about it later when he was on the stand and clearly senile, or just a good actor. No, clearly senile.

That's when the C students were allowed into the White House and that is when everything instantly began to go downhill. The late Democrat Paul Tsongas had written this book that suggested Democrats should begin being better friends with corporations and they should become more conservative as well. He was wrong on both counts.

But Bill Clinton read the Tsongus book as if it were the Bible and a new, more conservative, more likely to give into business interests Democratic Party was formed.

And look where it got us? Sure we have a two-party system, but is there really that much a difference? We do have the Libertarians masked as Tea Party "liberators", still bumping into doors, falsifying history, but hopefully remembering to take their medication.

But I believe most of us see something coming. Maybe we smell it. Maybe it's both. Lately, our public servants have been giving it all to the rich and taking it all from the needy. What's that tell you?

Remember, they want to dismantle the government, the one that is there to protect you. The Republicans and the other loony party the Tea Party or the Libertarians, or whomever we have been duped into giving power to. They mean it this time.  

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