Posted by Cape Cod Daily News via Hyannis News
Saturday March 15, 2025 (3 days, 20 hours ago)
HYANNIS, MASSACHUSETTS – [HN VIDEO NOTES] – A small army of Barnstable cops, including at least one state trooper, and a bunch of Hyannis Firefighters arrived in the East End of Main Street yesterday afternoon, for what was initially described as a “possible fight, with a possible hatchet” in play. There was also a shirtless adult male said to be running around somewhere in vicinity, covered with blood. (In other words, it wasn’t anything very out of the ordinary for that part of downtown Hyannis…)
And as you will see in the following HN Video, police handcuffed an adult male while he was down on the pavement in front of the “Red Store,” at 252 Main Street. He appeared agitated, yelling at the cops, bleeding from cuts on both hands… and apparently already waving his right to remain silent. He also fit the initial description – “shirtless, covered with blood” – and police definitely appeared confident they were onto something. (Although – truth be told – reports of someone running around “shirtless and covered with blood” isn’t too much of a stretch in that part of Hyannis… especially now that we’re into the “Ides of March” – March 15th, being that ancient day when Julius Caesar was assassinated back in the year 44 BC… when he was stabbed approximately 23 times in the middle of a Roman Senate session by a group of conspiring senators… an act which now – well over 2000 years later – causes many to caution, “Beware of the Ides of March!”)
Police spoke with the alleged victims, a young couple residing in the vicinity of 174 Main Street in order to gather their statements alleging probable cause that felony had been committed.
According to a police source, the suspect, who had allegedly appeared to be in possession of hatchet in the beginning, ended up being charged with Assault by Means of a Dangerous Weapon (but not for a hatchet – there was no hatchet, as it turned out – but rather some other type of weapon being swung around during the alleged assault). The suspect was also charged with Vandalism… and a damaged gas grill found overturned in the driveway was photographed as evidence by a member of the sheriff’s crime scene unit.
The following HN Video highlights the entire chaotic, midday spectacle that happened smack-dab in the middle of a bustling – and otherwise, mostly civilized – downtown Hyannis.
P.S. – Today’s Hytown Vignette is a brought to you by The Ides of March… [CLICK IT/CRANK IT! HEADPHONES ABSOLUTELY OBLIGATORY!]