Posted by Cape Cod Daily News via Hyannis News
Tuesday November 12, 2024 (3 months, 3 weeks ago)

security patrol property check service

HYANNIS, MASSACHUSETTS –  [HN VIDEO NOTES]  –  It turns out a driver arrested for Negligent Operation was determined not to be operating under the influence after crashing his pickup truck over the median, right in front of a Barnstable Police cruiser last evening.  And it took a while get through some basic field sobriety tests while using a handheld phone translator.  There was an obvious language barrier.  And officers initially had their doubts about the driver’s sobriety because they allegedly found an open container of alcohol inside his truck.  As you will see and hear in the following HN Video, at around 9:35 p.m. Monday evening, a Barnstable Police patrolman radioed that he was stopping a vehicle that had just crashed over the median on Route 28.  According to sources, the pickup truck was making a left turn onto Route 28 from Bearses Way when it drove over the raised median barrier, sustaining significant damage while also popping both tires on the driver’s side.  It took several moments for the vehicle to finally come to a full stop for the officer, according to radio transmissions. Other police officers also responded after reportedly hearing the loud crash from a couple blocks away. The driver who had just crashed was not injured.  When HN arrived on scene, officers were attempting to complete field sobriety testing while using a cellphone translator.  Despite the challenges of a strong language barrier, officers were able to carefully complete their investigation, deciding not to charge the driver with Operating Under the Influence… … but they did arrest the driver, charging him with Negligent Operation of a Motor Vehicle, Speeding, Open Container, and Marked Lanes Violation, according to police sources. The following HN Video highlights parts of the investigation and the eventual arrest… [HN VIDEO –  PRESS PLAY] P.S. – Today’s Hytown Vignette is a brought to you by Bonnie Raitt…  [CLICK IT/CRANK IT!  HEADPHONES ABSOLUTELY OBLIGATORY!]  * The initial details contained in the above report are based on police radio transmissions and information from sources. The defendant is presumed to be innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

Full Story at Hyannis News

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