Posted by Cape Cod Daily News via Hyannis News
Sunday July 21, 2024 (7 months, 2 weeks ago)

security patrol property check service

HYANNIS, MASSACHUSETTS – [HN VIDEO NOTES] – As you will see in the following HN Video, at around 11:30 p.m. last evening, Barnstable Police officers and Hyannis Firefighters responded to a parking lot at the corner of Main Street and Old Colony Road for an unconscious man in his mid-twenties with serious, life-threatening head trauma. According to radio transmissions, it was initially reported to be a car vs. pedestrian crash… but another caller reported that the man had just been jumped and badly beaten. According to sources, Barnstable Police are still not certain what they are dealing with. A brutal attempted murder? A hit-and-run car vs. pedestrian crash? Or some other type of freak accident? One thing is certain, however, the young man was in very rough shape prior to being rushed to Cape Cod Hospital. His injuries were certainly serious and life-threatening. Three of the man’s friends were on scene when HN arrived. Nobody actually saw the man being jumped and beat up, according to two of those friends. And according two of his friends, they had all been at Veteran’s Beach on Ocean Street when there were allegedly some words exchanged with a group of men also hanging out after hours in the same beach parking lot. According to the two friends, the victim had left the beach with his girlfriend (the third friend at the parking lot scene). And, as the story goes, the trauma victim had been arguing with his girlfriend, somewhere near the intersection of South Street and Ocean Street, according to the two friends. All three of the friends did not witness what had happened to the trauma victim prior to finding him unconscious and bleeding in the parking lot at Main Street and Old Colony Road, according to the two friends. His friends believe he was jumped in the very same parking lot by the men he had exchanged angry words with at the beach. But nobody actually saw it happen, according to the two friends… There was a description of a BMW SUV that was given to investigating officers and later found empty at an undisclosed location, according to the man’s friends. The adult male trauma victim was found in a parking lot behind an old, abandoned bank building. It’s uncertain whether the cameras on that building were in operation last evening. The old bank appears to be under construction, completely encircled with construction fencing. Across the street is the Comfort Inn hotel. Police spoke with some young women who appeared to be guests at that hotel. It’s uncertain what, if anything, they saw. But also, police are interested in the Comfort Inn property because it hopefully has security cameras that were functioning. In fact, investigators will be checking all the buildings in the area for possible footage that will tell them exactly what happened. Several hours later, HN was at the airport staring out at two parked helicopter ambulances, wondering who they were for. The two friends from the crime scene suddenly showed up at the airport in hopes of seeing their friend being airlifted to an off-Cape trauma hospital, according to them. They told HN they had been in contact with the trauma victim’s mother, and that their friend was currently in a “medically induced coma” at CCH and was about to be airlifted. They still both appeared to be in shock.  Both appeared concerned about their friend. And I left their company thinking, why would they know to show up at the airport if they hadn’t spoken with the victim’s mother? Both of the friends were congenial, well spoken… why would they lie about what they believe happened? about what they say they saw at the beach, when angry words and threats were allegedly exchanged? I could think of no reason to doubt them. (This work makes me skeptical, but hopefully not a “skeptic.”) HN spoke with a trusted police source and learned the BPD is still actively investigating, waiting to hopefully review video evidence. So, what actually happened to the young man who was found unconscious and fighting for his life behind the abandoned bank at the corner of Main and Old Colony last evening? HN will provide updates as soon as “the official word” becomes available. Until then, please keep this young man in your thoughts and prayers. The following video is heavily edited but is still very intense. It begins with HN body-cam footage mixed with the initial emergency radio transmissions. It then documents a serious crime scene. Viewer discretion is highly advised. [HN VIDEO – PRESS PLAY]

Full Story at Hyannis News

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