I was sitting ouside on a screened-in porch at a home on the West Coast of Florida in recent months with a friend I've had for 43 years. His house is on steroids.

Every time I show up it is twice the size as before. His four-car garage has become a small warehouse containing his collection of vintage cars, His pool was outside. Now it is inside as well - two pools.Then the outside pool grew an air conditioned building around it. Then a locker room. Suddenly one day I noticed a helicopter sitting on a helipad and I figure, go ahead spend it all. Doesn't every idiot do that?

But my friend is not an idiot. He's not one of these fools who believes that whoever dies with the most toys wins.  Remember that saying from the Yuppie years, those Golden Days of AIDs, cocaine and possibly the worst music ever produced in this nation's history - disco? Where did all those people go? I theorize with my friend that perhaps they all went to Washington D.C.

He agreed that it would help explain so many things. But of course it's not true. Some of the Yuppie Era people went into the ground for AIDs, some from just too much coke, the inevitable overdose, many went broke snorting their trust funds until they had nothing but a high percentage of dead brain cells and a virtually worthless degree from some almost-Ivy League school, usually a degree having something to do with human services which President Ronald Reagan spent his career destroying.

I hear a frog croak nearby. I say to my friend stupidly, "You have a frog." He admits as much, then he tells me that it is actually a stolen frog. As you might know frogs and headed towards extinction. "You stole a frog." He tells me he just moved it, from one person's yard to his own. He likes the croaking sounds of frogs. I was tempted to ask why he didn't just build a Toad house and fill it with them, or maybe a frog house? But that would have been a cheap shot.

Then his wife, who is probably my daughter's age, is on the porch asking me to stay for dinner. My friend asks me to stay over.But I'm not a stay over person. I don't enjoy sleeping in other people homes - especially when they might change from one thing to another in the middle of the night. Transformer house. And the dinner? I am not hungry. I do like these people, though. He came from nothing and worked himself almost to death to obtain his wealth. You have to respect that. Especially when wealth is simply passed down to so many.

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I drive to a hotel where I know the people. I switch on the television which transmits a dozen of so lies to me during its news portion.  Some guy calling himself a financial reporter because he has the MBA and good cheekbones. The lies are some old tiresome economic lies.

I would like to have this indivdual in the room with me right at this very moment just so i could punch him out. I hate it when people believe they can just lie right to my face and get away with it. I feel like someone is taking me for a sucker then I figure, well maybe if I had him right here right now maybe I could just choke him out unless he admitted the truth. Yes, it is an immature thought.

He tells me gas prices are high because of the wars in the Middle East and the great uncertainty and blah, blah blah. This is a straight out lie. Gas prices are higher because Wall Street is allowed to speculalte on oil futures which artifically keeps gasoline prices high. The Federal government could ban this practice anytime it wanted, but it is in bed with the oil companies who are the chief beneficiaries of these fake prices. This is the truth. It is not like a bunny I just pulled out of a hat. It is a fact. And the newsman has lied to you.

He weaves together a series of lies to make it seem as though the $14,3 trillion  dept ceiling could be lowered significantly if the nation just got rid of Medicaid and entitlement programs. Another blatant lie. Medicaid and entitlement programs will pay back a small percentage of our debt and that's all. Our debt has to come out of the Defense Department. It has to come from the monopoly of health insurance companies. It has to come from multiple bad trade deals we have made over the years.

It should come from our corrupt and monopolistic banking industry, which has been living off our tax dollars for years. It should come from the energy industry, which makes billions in profits and barely pays a nickel to the goverment on that money. In fact, the government gives them money. You hear all this talk about alternative energy programs, but that is a half lie at best, The energy industry in the U.S. is still run by the monopoly of oil companies who hit you up at the pump,

In Congress we have all these idiots, mostly Republicans, who believe no one should be taxed for anything. And with that system we are expected to run our system, Are we to hire volunteers? Maybe we can hire similar companies from overseas who will fix our bridges, put out our fires, etc. It is not all that far fetched. A foreign company just received the contract to collect the money from the parking meters in a large U.S. city. All of their meter maids are now from that country.

Through this entire deal you have to be crying if you are a journalist and have to listen to or read these lies we are enjoined to tell. I couldn't tell them anymore, A lie is a lie. And to cover for it you just have to tell more lies. Then you've told so many lies that no one believes you anymore.

This means you have no credibility.

This means the news media has lost the one good thing it ever had.

Maybe all the lying would stop if this new group of losers in Congress would just go home. We could put ankle braclets on them. We could turn these problems over to normal people and we could solve them.


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