There are 3.2 million Americans in prison right now, the most of any nation in the world, including Russia and China. Half of them are in there for breaking drug laws. Many of these drug laws are more closely related in their "seriousness" to America's Prohibition Era than to actual wrong-doing. Sentences are too high today. Children are without their imprisoned mothers and fathers.
Long sentences came out of the Reagan-Bush era, back when both of these presidents had sold arms and drugs for hostages and had broken other laws. So just naturally Reagan and Bush were big on three-strikes-you're-out and other insane notions of criminal justice. Both of them must have known how dangerous they were. Guess they just figured there were a lot of people like them. They were wrong.
They had some interesting friends though. The kind of privatization people who would make you set for life if you could just pass one bill. Like a Frankenstein Bill that brought the privately-owned prison system to life. This prison system was and is based entirely on profit. Think of that for a minute.
What would this private prison system do if the U.S. government were suddenly to change its drug laws, making them less punishing? Could a for-profit prison system survive and make money for its shareholders without 3.2 million Americans in jail and without drug laws that harken back to the Prohibition era - especially when half of those 3,2 million are sentences for drug-related crimes?
This is a good question because it takes us back to the very root of the problem. The immorality of the U.S. government. Why would any nation create a prison system that needed prisoners to survive and whose sole purpose was to profit? Obviously, for-profit prison systems need a continuous stream of prisoners to work. Who gives them those prisoners? The criminal justice system does. Are there any ties between the for-profit prison systems and the criminal justice system?
What do you think? The number of imprisoned Americans has increased every year they have continued to build those for-profit prison systems. Is that just a coincidence? Probably not. Leave it to the greedy few who run this desert of bad intentions, they have found a way to make money on the misery of the imprisoned,
America as a prison is something I never thought I would see. My kind came to these shores nearly four centuries ago ignorant of anything that wasn't European. It was their sincere belief that they were the only worthy people on this earth.
When I went off to a series of all-white schools where I was not taught a thing about the indigenous American who the white man from Europe had slaughtered by the hundreds of thousands, or the African American who he brought to these shores to sell like cattle separating families, African Americans dying by the thousands both here and during the journey to this land. The figures of African Americans tossed overboard on the way to America are not precise, but some believe they could be in the five or six figure range,
But instead we were told about those awful people from the South and those wonderful soldiers from the North, who worked for the Great Emancipator, who "freed" the slaves to still another century of lynching and so-called voluntary slavery. The early and late Jim Crow Eras.
And as a boy I sat and watched cartoons on TV where the "Indians" always lost or movies with the same outcome. Like many white Americans I felt almost conditioned to believe lies. Perhaps I was brainwashed. Then I learned to read and think for myself. Others just don't want to think.
In high school civics classes we wasted a lot of time learning about the way government was supposed to work. But I believed it. I believed in the three branches and all that good stuff. Had to be that way didn't it?
Well, not really. In Corporate America there are six branches of government, far more powerful than the other three. Presidential powers are not anything to write home about. The Congress is a riot of silly white folks with dangerous ideas, each backed by the big money of some gangster. And the Judiciary. Nothing but the worst can be said of them. They should hold their heads in shame, as the very people who gave the nation to the real criminal element in America. Not the inmates in the for-profit prisons, but the people who own them.
There are really "six branches" of "government" today. They are the rigged health care system, the criminal banking system, the corporate agriculture system, the propagandistic telecommunication system, the always at war Defense system, and the petroleum-based energy system. These six systems run everything in America. Forget about the three branches of government. For the time being at least, these do not exist. The aforementioned six corporate systems have purchased the U.S. government right in front of your eyes.
They were in a unique situation to buy this government, that might have been closed to them if they didn't act fast. You see, the Supreme Court had made the absolutely zany decision that money was the same as free speech. As soon as that ruling went onto the books, the corporations simply purchased the government. Better still, they bought the government with money the government gave them.
That is what this depression and loss of employment is about. The corporations are simply molding the U.S. into a better tool with which to make a profit. To do that, the fat (jobs) has to be stripped away, regulations that might offend the bottom line have to be tossed out. The minimum wage has to be stopped in its tracks. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, it all has to either go or be altered. "Free" money and services? That's how they see it.
"They" are the new American super wealthy class. They don't pay taxes like you do. The corporations they own, the ones who will not employ you, they also don't pay taxes. Everything is dedicated to the growth of the bottom line. It is that simple.
If people go hungry, that's okay with this "New World Order" of the super wealthy.
If they lack proper health care.
If they are stuck with an awful school system.
If they have been defrauded into losing their homes.
If they have been imprisoned unfairly.
If their children are being killed in illegal and unnecessary wars.
If their water is polluted and running out.
Your name it. Anything bad that can happen to you, no longer matters to the owners of this prison.
Who knows, maybe they can trump up some charges, send you off to a for-profit prison and make a few bucks from you that way.
See, you might still be worth something to them.
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