It is now common knowledge that Republicans have targeted poor women and children as their latest scapegoat. Republicans are the masters of scapegoating. First we will discuss what the Republicans did to the young black male. Then we will contrast it with what they are doing to the equally powerless women and children of today.The first thing you always have to understand about the leadership of the Republican Party is that, given the chance, they will go after the weakest adversary every time. Not only because they know they can beat them, but also because they believe those of us out here also perceive that weakness and are secretly hoping the Republicans will win. It always worked that way in the past. For example, the Republicans have always found it easy to run against the very idea of young black men. They made promises to build thousands of prisons in which to store these young black men until they become old and no longer pose a "threat."
White America fell for it. The U.S. Congress even privatized prisons so that their major political contributors could get some of these lucrative prison contracts in the foolish three-strikes-you're-out states where one can go to jail for life for being caught with some weed in his pocket three times. Isn't Democracy wonderful? Now, If only we could find some.
These private jails were sold as a cost cutting measure.They were really a way for Law & Order politicians to fill their campaign chests. The U.S. government doesn't save any money on these private jails. Think of it: Privately-owned prisons. Uncle Sam is going to put you in a prison he doesn't even own? This is the police state of America.
I won't bore you with statistics except to say that the vast majority of murders are committed by white men. The largest blocks of rapes, too. Then there are the serial killers, almost always white. Black men apparently just are not fond of serial killing. It's the drugs they get the blacks for and even through, like the other crimes, they arrest more white people for drug violations than blacks, the blacks in proportion to their actual numbers in the U.S., occupy more cells in its prisons. And guess what? They even go to jail longer for the same crimes. You can count on it.
As any Republican can tell you, blacks are more guilty than whites, exactly because they are black. Understand? No? You need some lessons in scapegoating. The Republicans have elevated this to an art form. That's why 51 percent of them, probably a good number of them stone cold racists, will tell you Barack Obama wasn't born in the United States, even when they are certain he was.
But let's get to our main subject here which is the Republican dislike, some have described it as ("hatred") of poor women. Doesn't matter what color they are. Do they menstruate? Are they capable of having babies? Do these babies need food to live and do they need educations. Do these poor woman have other needs too, For example, do they eat?
Have they been known to get ill like humans sometimes do? Do their "woman parts" sometimes give them trouble and they have to rely on federal funds to get better? These woman parts can become an expense. They can be very tricky. You know breast cancer and whatever that cervical thing is that might be even be more expensive? Woman aren't even like men, are they? They have special needs, "irritating woman needs" that cost a lot of money. No wonder they've caught the attention of the Republicans. Why can't women just be perfect and cost nothing?
Republicans are zoning in on poor women as I write. Here they see someone else they can blame for the nation's troubles. And believe me they have scouts out there looking for groups of people who can be blamed.
There's this one Republican out there with a penchant for telling lies. He is in Congress and his name is Mike Pence. Some believe he plans to run for the Governor's seat in Indiana. Go, right now and find a slip of paper and tape. Plaster this guy's name to your fridge. He is an enemy of women everywhere, a misogynist. You must remember to vote for whomever runs against him in the future.
Pence is one of the lawmakers up there in Candy Land who wants to defund Planned Parenthood. Why? Because, Pence, ever the liar, claims they use government funds to give women abortions. This is not true. But he repeated that lie at least a dozen times yesterday. Let's not think about the lying misogynist Pence for a minute while we explain what Planned Parenthood really does.
Planned Parenthood counsels women, mostly about the importance of birth control. It also offers free preventable health care to women, cancer screening, 1,000,000 cervical cancer examinations a year, 800,000 breast exams. Defunding Planned Parenthood would do two things immediately:
1. It would, through the defunding of it's preventable medicine programs, probably cause an increase in the number of its clients, as much as 25 percent, who would need to be hospitalized for cancer surgery within a year.
2. Most planned parenthood officials believe the defunding of its birth control program would also double the number of abortions performed in the United States.
But the Republicans don't care; they have found their scapegoat - poor women - and their children too. Remember the WIC program that made it easier for poor single mothers to find food to eat for them and their children? The Republicans want to take that too. It costs less than half of what the rockets fired on Libya costs last month. But the Republicans would rather see our down and out stay there.
They have defunded their schools. They are firing teachers left and right and taking away their bargaining rights.
They spend most of their time in office looking for new ways to give tax breaks to the wealthy, while stealing from your wallet.
Meanwhile these mothers, who, like most people can't find a job in this country, are looking for food, are looking for medical care, a place to live, a school to send their children to.
But they are only United States citizens with no power. The Republicans - and some of their Democrat friends - don't care about them. They spend their time with high-rollers who give them money for favors. Everyone knows this has become the real "American Way." Everyone knows it is disgraceful. Everyone knows it is unethical, it is immoral.
Everyone knows we have to get rid of these unpatriotic, unAmerican bums.
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