It began as just another day of semi-retirement. He had a great nest egg and daddy with all those billions always underbidding Haliburton for the really good work in the Middle East. There were 23 men and 9 women living in this compound built overlooking a middle class suburb with a military academy down the street. He saw the men but did not talk to them. The women were there for other reasons. He'd always been a womanizer anyway. Why stop now?
Maybe he didn't like it there. Perhaps he was being held captive in this otherwise luxurious jail on the hill. He knew too much. He knew awful things about his hosts, the Pakistanis, terrible things about the U.S. who helped send him down a path that would lead to thousands of U.S. civilian deaths. And he knew more about the CIA than the CIA likes you to know about it. He knew who put him together. The only question left was who would take him apart.
They had many chances, but supposedy they had blown them all. He probaby didn't believe that. He probably awoke every morning and read the paper to see if the political situation was just right to kill him. Because he knew that was when he would be killed. When someone could get the most out of it.
Remember his so-called "days in a cave" that liar Bush II had created out of thin air? And I must stop here because Bush and Cheney didn't only talk about a cave. They talked about entire cities under ground where manufacturing could take place, where peopele could sleep and go to school. None of this was ever discovered. Because it was a lie
That is a whole part of the Obama myth that we will never get out of our heads for the rest of our lives - a series of perfectly executed tunnels and rooms far under the ground away from the bombs where the bearded one would live forever. And that would be his "punishmnet" Bush decided.
It didn't happen like that though. Most likely it was a long slow cautious ride into Pakistan in maybe a Land Rover or a Toyota Land Cruiser. The air conditioning was running high. Obama was coming down from the high he got when the towers fell. On his mind was, what am I going to do now? Doesn't anyone understand that bin Laden knew the Twin Tower tragedy made him a walking dead man? Of course he knew. The falling towers might have looked good for a moment, but then death touched him on the shoulder. He was watching himself go down in those towers.
Now I hear all the propaganda designed to look like news and it makes me want to go to bed. Osama bin Laden has probably been in that compound in Pakistasn for much longer than we will ever be told on the news. All those near misses and we almost had hims wouldn't make sense if he hadn't been in Pakistan watching "Two and a Half Men," wouldn't they?
So he had to be seen as this wild eyed man of the caves and cliffs always just out of reach from his enemies. The "crusaders"
Oh, can the U.S. government tell the truth about anything? Some brains have been washed so well they are starting to shine. Look right there on the top of that man's head. That's your reflection.
This morning some government spokesman said he believed that news of bin Laden's compound in Pakistan first came to them the (CIA) from one of his chief aides during a water boarding session. This was a lie but a good promotional piece for torture. The government rescinded the lie moments later, but it was out there and they know how these things work.They had put in their little advert about the wonders of torture and gotten away with it.
Most of the so-called "news people," who are really just people who deliver Washington's lies to you, only they are better to look at than the actual liars, are convinced we ought to do something about Pakistan. They say they didn't know where he was for all these years, but they were hiding him. But there are features to this lie and Washington's non-response to it. Oh wait, Hillary did say the Pakistanis had done everything right.
Ask yourself this, how can we stay in Afghanistan so long if bin Laden isn't there? We have been in Afghanistan for ten years, looking for bin Laden as a main mission. Now, how would that mission have been changed if bin Laden had been caught four years ago? Caught just yesterday and Obama is already talking about a dramatic lowering of troop strength in Afghanistan.
What I am getting at is that I believe the U.S. has known Obama's whereabouts for maybe five years or six years and they have said nothing for the simple reason that if they killed him their excuse for being in Afghanistan would be even more stupid than it is now. So Osama bin Laden - what do we really know?
Was he being held at that compound, for example was he there voluntarily? Was the military presence in his neighborhood there to protect him or to prevent him from escape?
You see, underlining this whole thing is this enormous house with barbed wire topping ten foot fences. on a hill no less, overlooking a city. Would a true fugitive who didn't want to get caught set himself up like that? Of course not. Most likely, someone else was holding him there. The terrorist in chief had become a prize, something to be traded or dealt with for something else.
You notice that he was immediately killed. Most reports say he was unarmed, several say he was reaching for a gun. But again I don't believe it. They couldn't risk an alive bin Laden, and an imprisoned bin Laden would not have a gun.
He knew too much. That's the simple truth. Too many would have lost their jobs in the intelligence community and the U,S, would have looked foolish for helping to create and give power to bin Laden. And It would have come out that Obama had known bin Laden was there for years.
But starting back six to eight weeks ago the pressure on Obama to get U.S. troops out of Afghanistan has been on the increase. Obama had to draw down the number, he knew it. Meanwhile bin Laden, reading his newspapers must have seen the writing on the wall, knowing there would be no use for him without a war in Afghanistan. And besides, it had been more than a year that the public had known bin Laden was definitely somewhere in Pakistan, and they were rightfully asking, then what are we doing in Afghanistan?
So it was all coming apart at the seams.
Suddenly it became obvious that bin Laden was no longer needed. Pakistani officials were probably receiving millions from his billionaire dad to keep him alive and didn't want to do without that income. This time the U.S. government didn't ask for permission. They just flew in , killed him and dropped him in the ocean.
My belief is that Obama was caught as many as six years ago and has been used as a political pawn ever since. We will never know of course. The mass media will tell you what they're told to tell you and life will go on without the so-called "un-catchable" chief terrorist Osama bin Laden.
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