California's Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger proved himself to be just another pig with a terrible vocabulary the other day. Having a child with one of the maids as a result of an affair in the governor's home ten years ago. What a guy. But Americans never had to look that far to know he was white trash. When he ambled over here from Austria and decided to make his body a money maker, that many have said from that period in his life, he virtually lived on muscle enhancing drugs, what did we expect? Someone like us? Someone we could relate to?
How about when he made a couple of series of extremely awful movies badly acted, But you knew he was a Hollywood guy during the Tin Age of Cocaine. Did that ever cross your mind? It seems the average Californian didn't care. They put him in - to lead them. And the unfaithful, marble-mouthed ape pulled the state right off a cliff. How could anyone with any sense believe that this man could properly govern a state? Just based on what they knew of his past, the rumors, although rumors, were explosive, they were very detailed, people stepped forward and spoke frankly of their experiences with him. He seemed like an awful candidate for governor.
Now they are all sitting around out there on the West Coast acting surprised. The man dragged his knuckles into the room, asked for your vote and like an idiot you voted for him. Those are the chapters. Soon you will be able to read the book. The child he fathered has no Kennedy blood in him so he is all yours, Arnold. The Kennedy's won't even want to see photos of him.
But it is not just Arnold and his lack of morals, What did you expect from Hollywood?
Let us go instead to Wisconsin, as American as Mom's apple pie, if you prefer rotten apples. The moral troglodytes of Wisconsin elected a right right wing ideolouge for their Governor, appaently without a clue that the man was a maniac. First he tried to kill collective bargaining in public unions. The verdict is still out on that one. Now he has set his sights on all gays and lesbians, particularly on their right to visit their loved ones in the hospital, That is right. That is on the same moral level as the Governor from California. We are living in a moral vacuum. The morals, presumably are outside. Or maybe they are just a thing of the past. Meanwhile we are hurting ourselves every day and no one seems to care. Even the victims see their plight as somehow deserved.
But citizens of the U,S, just have to wake up and see that they have become the bullies of the world, to include bulllying their own citizens. We never get around to talking about hate in America in a serious way. When we all know that most Americans feel hostility to any other person who is different. It is almost instinctive, and being inctinctive it has a long history. In fact, it is prehistoric - this hate.
Why should gay and lesbian people be hated or disliked in any way? Have you ever really asked yourself that? There is no reason. And the Scott Walker's, the hater who is governor of Wisconsin must know that. This move he believes will make him more popular among a certain kind of voter. So he will hurt some people to get those votes. Why would he do that? Because he is severely lacking in moral character.
The absence of morals is evident everywhere in America today. Our government steals from us, and fails to regulate other indistries who also steal from us. For that service, the government regulators get a kick back or a promise of a much better job from the industry they are supposed to regualate.
We sit here and we watch this all roll by and we say things like "It figures," or "That doesn't surprise me," some acknowledement that you are aware of the corruption of our government, our nation. But what are you willing to do to make it better? Many believed Obama would be the man who could bring America's morals back from the dead. But he has just played along witn the immoral game from the very beginning. Not keeping campaign promises, getting the nation deeper involved in an illegal, immoral war in Afghanistan. Obama is part of the problem of America's lack of morals.
You might wonder what I even mean by morality. Maybe you thought it was dead. Morality is a two headed word often used by politicians. Some will tell you that it is immoral to subsidize the rent of people who would otherwise have to live in a shelter or outside. These hateful people who like to think of themselves as moralists as they cut the food budgest for poor children, are not moralists. They are haters, a group whose poulation is growing in America. A true moralist, by its very definition, is someone who wants to do right by his brother or sister,someone who believes we should always do the right thing, not the convenient thing, not the easy-way-out thing.
Like ethics and values, morals are not made into clay and shaped to fit any ideology. Morals ethics, values are all about doing the right thing towards your fellowman or worman. All are connected to an unwritten code of conduct that we should live in peace together and not hate one another.
But the stories keep coming.
Taking from the poor and giving to the rich. Immoral.
The remote bombing of a wedding party in Afghanistan. Immoral.
The theft of a person's life savings. Immoral.
The mistreatment or prejudice against other people over their race, religion, sex or sexuality. Immoral.
And yes it goes on day in day out year after year. And we vote the dopey politicians into office like Scott Walker, and again we scratch our heads. What are we doing wrong?
The answer is more simple than you think. Always vote for people who like and can relate to other people. That would be a start.
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