You know the person you hate to see coming ? Seems like they always want or need something. Their needs are immediate. You know that person, and you usually do what you can to make yourself invisible when they're around. That describes exactly how the U.S. government sees the vast majority of it citizenry. We are to be avoided. We need too much and the government wants to give to the people who are more deserving, i.e. those who already have it.
Our Congress, a group of mosly overweight old men from another era, who are totally dependent on our tax dollars or they would quite litterally be in the street or worse, the legal profession, has decided to cut the trillion dollar deficit. So what have they done? Nothing. They have sat around wasting space in our Capitol, they have spent a lot of time hanging around the snack machines. They have learned how to make perfect paper planes that often sail through the chambers of Congress in majestic, irrelavent formations.
And of course they have gone after the budget, at least they say they have, if you only remember how much has to be cut, namely over a trillion. Millions and billions are lost somewhere inside a trillion dollars like a single penny in a large jar full of pennies, So the Democrats cut $6.1 billion or 0.43 percent of what is needed. Keep in mind these are only their proposals. The Republicans cut $61 bliion or 4.3 percent of what is needed.
So as you can see, neither proposed budget cuts that will help the deficit. Both are simply too small. I have to admit that the Republican plan to cut the EPA is insane in a time when we need more people out there to search for the reasons our enviornment has suddenly gone haywire as far as crazy weather, global warming, and mass extinctions. Cutting the EPA is just stupid. The Republicans also came up with a larger number than the Democrats because they want to cut school lunch programs for poor kids, food stamps for poor families, subsidized housing for the poor. They don't want to be in the business of helping the poor, because they will tell you. that is not government's business.
The problem with that attitide - the one that would make the poor, and as far as many Republicnas are concerned, the disabled and the elderly "not the business of the government" is that people just might start asking what the heck is the business of the government? Well it is like that old General Motors executive said a long time ago about his company, back during it's good days, except this is going to involve a slight alteration
The business of the U.S. government is big business.
In other words, we do not live in a representative democracy. We do not have power unless we vote all of them out of office, and by all of them, I mean the chucklehead Tea Party and the dshonest and felonious Democrats and Republicans. We should stop the phony argument about the difference in political parties. Yes, there is a difference, but it simply isn't big enough. In short, there are no real Progressives in Congress, just people who tell a lie every time they open their mouths.
The worst lie yet, the one that could very easily devaluate our dollar into a second-rate currency is that our politicians are trying to cut the budget. There is only one sensible way to cut the budget. It involves the complete overhaul of four areas of our economy and it has to be done now. It can't wait.
These are the real reasons why the government hates to see us coming. It is because something will have to be done about the following problems, and soon, or there will be no United States to take bribes from nationless corporations.
First we have to get out of all foreign wars and bring the military home. We also have to cut the defense budget in half.
Second. We have to end the private insurance monopolies that control our health care system. We have to end the employer based healthplan. We have to send armies of auditors to these priviate insurance companies to find out how much they have ripped off the U.S. government in phony or inflated billings and we have to demand to get it back. And we have to switch to a single payer system.
Third. We have to conserve our energy resources while we look for viable alternatives. We have to put many in this nation to work on this energy problem. It will always be with us as long as we populate this earth.
Fourth. Banking and foreign trade. I am including them together because it is in these two areas that our nation is posed with its worst threat. It has become a case of capitalism without rules, where nothing is worth something if you only say it is. Where worthless paper is traded as if it were gold, where fake millionaires and billionaires are made every week,only to be shipped off to the state pen within a month.
Staying with the money business. As American citizens we have to seriously consider our purchaces of goods made in mainland China. We should not buy goods made there under any circumstances. I don't care if you have to run all over the state looking for goods that are not made in China. Do it. Buy goods from anywhere, but not from China.
China is ripping us off every day. It is ten times cheaper for them to get their stuff in here than it is for us to sell a Snickers Bar on a street corner in Peking. Economists don't like this because they say, with clumps of blackboard chaulk stuck to their eyebrows, If we don't buy goods made In China it will not help pay down the deficit we have with them
This is true. But it ignores the social situation in China, where unemployment can drive the people into a frenzy. Where those people just happen to be 75% male, because of China's insane and obscene one-baby-per-family limit, which led to the drownings of probably millions of Chinese female infants - because everyone wanted a boy.
Well they got their boys and they're selling their goods over here, undercutting our prices, stealing millions of our jobs, Stop buying goods made in China. Stop now.
As far as cutting the budget goes, you can expect our politicias to come after the "nornal" American family first. It will be us against them. Let's take them all down in 2012, every incumbant who runs. Maybe that is the message they need.
And by the way, as the food is taken from the lips of the poor has any one of these geniuses recommended raising taxes one nickel on the rich? There's your real immorality. It is evil.
And just when will we have a jobs program to get these people back to work? Or an anti-home foreclosue program that is not just another scam?
Osama bin Laden is dead. But we are still here and still with our problems.
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