Oh America, how much longer will we have to put up with this patisanship, more like hatred, between the political parties? Did you believe it the other day when Navy Seals and Special Forces finally put a bullet in the mass murderer, bin Laden, Republicans actually looked for ways to criticize Obama for it? If George II had been in office the Republicans would have rejoiced and that would have been the end of it.
Now come the conspiracy theorists, my favorites. Groups like the John Birch Society have their own illogical and at times insane take on the death of bin Laden. Their greatest complaint by far is that bin Laden was killed instead of taken alive, where the John Birch Society assures us he could have been a very valuable asset as a prisoner.
Well, thankfully that whole taken-alive scene was discussed by adults long before the raid and it was determined that if the U.S. allowed the mass murderer to live, many U.S. service personnel risked kidnapping and probably execution in an attmept to secure bin Laden's release.
The people who plan these special operations are, almost have to be, too calm for their own good. The breathing has to be just right to get off the perfect shot, the night vision (without goggles, which are a pain in the ass) has to kick in a lot quicker than it would in a normal person, at a moment's notice they might have to disrobe and swim five miles, they might have to stab you to death if you don't get out of their way.
They are not like us. Their craziness is buried deep inside where perhaps it will come out later in the private office of a Veteran Administration psychiatrist. During war time they see so many of their friends die. They are walking around with perfectly functioning brains that are wired just a bit differently. Decisions are always snap decisions during a special op. And the debriefing always insulting and ridiculous as the debriefer attempts to mine some nugget of information you might have forgotten during a mission.
Of course, most special operations Navy, Army, Air Force and Marine Corps personnel would just as soon forget the whole damn thing when it is over. That is when the planning begins for the next one.
President Obama seems a bit exhausted to me, sitting in a chair speaking to a news person he even looked as if he had lost weight. The charm of Obama was gone, all used up after nearly four years. He spoke in clipped, careful sentences about how the CIA had known of bin Laden's whereabouts for many months, but just couldn't be 100 percent sure.
The CIA was right all along. Osama bin Laden was living in a giant ugly cement house near the capital of Pakistan. To many Pakastanis the raid on this house was an "insult" to their soverignty. To that, I say maybe the U.S. should consider shutting them off from the money flow until they get it together with their intelligence services, many of whom were bin Laden fans and some high ranking Intelligence chiefs who actaully took care of the maniac. Obviously these are people with a great hatred for the U.S.
I am not sure of how many wives bin Laden had, but the U.S. is interviewing the ones it can. It appears true now that before bin Laden lived in this upscale suburb for five years, he had lived in another nearby for three years. Knowing this and hearing Pakistani officials deny they knew he was in the country is a kind of nerve wracking lie that makes you want to strangle the person who tells it.
Yes we are Americans, our school system is probably not as good as yours. But our street smarts are well beyond your level. Half your population still lives in mud huts and snatches up and eats any poor creature unlucky enough to walk by.
So put the scam away and tell us the truth. Pakistan won't do it. Just the thought of losing all that American money isn't scary enough for them. The weapon's systems we provide them in their insane dislike of India; perhaps we should cut back on them. But of course Pakistan has nukes, too and would probably use them.
Certainly the US. is not the only nation on earth who will tell you in private that Pakistan is a rouge nation and that the word of its highest leaders isn't worth the gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe.
The U.S. and its racist, fascistic idealouges, who actually see themselves on the same path as George Washinton, who wouldn't trust them to shovel his drive way, have failed in their efforts to make our President look like a murderer for ordering the death of a man responsible for thousands of deaths of U.S. and other citizens. The more they complain about this, the more loony they look
The President acknowledges this saying that some of these people might need to seek psychiatric advice. Yes, the level headed, soft spoken, intelligent African American U.S. president accomplished what George II before him had virtually given up.
Obama sat aound in his office for months with full scale mock ups of bin Laden's residence going over every idea, every detail, every plan, every back-up plan. He sat there with these Special Forces troops and Navy Seals and they worked it out. And he had been doing that all the way back in Janurary and there had been no leaks. Not a one.
The news media didn't know - just the people in the room with the President.
The other night on television you could see that Obama was trying to inject some reality into this situation where so-called politicians run around like carnival barkers. Here was a President who for the first time in American history, had to provide not simply a birth certificate to establish that he was Americn born. No, he needed wirnesses, the long form of his birth certificate and the newspaper announcement.
This is the man who promised he would make killing bin Laden a goal of his administraton. He accomplished that goal. What's next, is the Tea Party going to charge him with murder?
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