By TRB - In a way, this is a Christmas Story. Everyone wins, everyone is enlightened, tears of joy are shed by the gallon, hugs and kisses are exchanged, the contradicting but rightious world is a beautiful place where the fight between "good" and "evil" is always won by the good, whose intentions of course are always pure, self-sacrificing and humane. Or so they say; "they" being the news media.  

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The wonderful news media we listen to watch and read - even when we don't realize we're doing it. We have to ask ourselves though. For example, what drives the news media? Money of course is the first thing that comes to mind. The news media has always made money hand over fist. The networks make that money by selling time to corporations who want to sell products to you.


And you pay for the commercials. All corporations add the cost of advertising onto the product. So you pay twice. Once for the commercial and another time when you purchase the product for which you have paid for the promotion. It is a cozy business.

But it's even better now - now that money has been given "rights,"by the Supreme Court, now that politicians can give the networks billions for political advertising.The entire system is now out of whack. The Christmas Story is fading fast. The networks don't do any reporting on politicians who can't come up with giant sums for advertising. The candidates with the most money get the most coverage on the nightly news. It is that simple - you have to buy you way into the White House. You would think people would be bothered knowing this. You would be wrong.

The average American believes Presidents are given the keys to the Oval Office based on their merit. Not so. It's based on their money. The candidate, the television networks and money are the ultimate decision makers. But it doesn't stop there.

The president, the Congress and the news media are not separated by their differences as citizens are led to believe. ( Some are, but on fringe or base issues) They are actually pals, most of the time in agreement. It is the biggest scam going, it is the greatest lie created. But you buy it, don't you? The news media sells this dynamic to you by narrowing the spectrum of real news. Instead you get theater. And bad theater at that. This is how they make their money - they distract you, they indoctrinate you. You begin to believe that you have a representational democracy. You believe you are free. And most of all, you believe that the U.S. is taking care of its own. But no.

What is really happening right in front of your eyes is a robbery. A robbery of your money, your rights. A robbery of your sense of self. Your taxes go up. Food products skyrocket, gasoline, fees, communication devices - all going up with no end in sight, as the regime looks for ways to cut your entitlements and take the food right out of children's mouths. And something else is going up - in leaps and bounds - the number or billionaires and millionaires in the U.S.. The only populations growing faster are the homeless and the poor.

You don't hear much about this on the "news." You don't hear much about it because the news media is a corporate world of billionaires and millionaires right down to the person reading what is often the propaganda of the day, designed to bore you into stupidity.

And you with your curiosity will listen to their lies, half-truths and rumors, and maybe you'll believe them - the "fiscal cliff" Obama - a device used to steal your entitlements; the "no child left behind" Bush - a plan to destroy the public school system. Of course the news media will sell these imaginary things to you. They have so many pay days coming from the corrupt U.S. Congress.

And boy can they sell. They sold us Iraq and Afghanistan. Bet you didn't see that coming.

Now they are about to sell us a financial plan, which ultimately will make the rich richer and the poor and middle class even more poor.

It is their way of saying, "Merry Christmas." 





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