Six Navy Seals, two helicopters, one for back up. Osama bin Laden was living in a compound in a town less than an hour from Pakistan's capital city. Extra Pakistan army troops were assigned to this town where bin Laden lived. For a decade the government claimed they did not know of bin Laden's whereabouts. This obvious lie made it all the more difficult for  the U.S. to find him. But finally they did.

Osama bin Laden didn't use cell phones, didn't care for electronics that could be traced back to his location, which apparently was never a cave. Osama bin Laden used human couriers. He was semi-retired after having spent the "better part" of his life murdering thousands of men women and children from nations around the world. You could say, he accomplished what he set out to do, and in a ghoulish way had been a success, But Pakistan was happy to give him a place to hide. Our ally Pakistan.

The two helicopters are flying very low, "nap of the earth" as it is called. The doors are open. It is very loud inside choppers. the Seals are wearing headphones through which they commicate with the others on board They are moments away from his compound. They check their ammo and their weapons. They go over the ops plan in their heads remembering every detail.

They land in the yard of Bin Laden's compound. One of the choppers upsets the flight envelope of the other causing it to land hard, but no one is injured. They run out of the doors straight for what they are sure is the target. They are probably fired upon and they fire back. But they get what they want - He is shot in the left eye, he is dead. How did they know it was bin Laden? Facial recognition technology, initial DNA tests and his 26-year-old wife identified him. They buried bin Laden at sea - somewhere.

We didn't ask for Pakistan's permission to do any of this. In fact, every aspect of this operation was kept from Pakistani intelligence. It is now doubtful that the U.S. will trust anything said by Pakistan, which shares blame for the unusual length of time it has taken to catch up with this mass murderer of women, men and children.

On the surface we will hear much about how important our relationship is with Pakistan. It will be a crock. You can be sure that there are awfully unhappy Pakistani Intelligence Agency personnel siting over there today. Osama bin laden was their prize. Osama bin Laden's father is a billionaire. Someone was getting paid.

While we're celebrating bin Laden's death we might also ask ourselves, why it is that Pakistani officials allow Taliban fighters to cross the border into Afghanistan to kill U.S. troops, then sneak them back into Pakistan at night. They are not our allies. Pakistan is our enemy. If we really wanted to honor those on 2001 9/11, we would get every U.S. soldier out of the entire Middle East today.

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Our presence there only creates more bin Ladens. If you were alive and breathing on 9/11 you remember then there were basically two things U.S. officials said had to be done. Osma bin Laden had to be killed and the Taliban, which housed and nourished bin Laden for all those years, had to be run out of Afghanistan. One of those goals was accomplished yesterday. The devil is dead. The other was accomplished following 9/11, but the Taliban is back in Afghanistan.

They will always be in Afghanistan. You could be there if you really wanted to. All that open border, rough terrain, places to hide. The U.S. can't keep theTaiban out of Afghanistan, and it can't keep sacrificing American troops in an effort to do what the CIA already knows is impossible.

So bring the troops home

These other Al Qaida franchises frankly are a bit like a bad comedy show. Their shoes are blown up and fizzle out while they're still on their feet. Their underpants are smoking or exploding or just plain smell funny. Some idiot leaves a pick up truck parked in Times Square loaded down with useless explosives and he leaves the keys is the ignition as well. Maybe he is a practicing terrorist. We are dealing with the clown factor and I am afraid we have far too many regulations and security and threats by our own government against our personal freedom to put up with this.

If the U.S. can deregulate every industry in America, then it can deregulate us too.

But first let's talk the truth about 9/11. It is easier to talk the truth about it now that Osame bin Laden is taking a perpetual bath in an unknown sea.

We know that 19 Saudi Arabians were involved. We know that the CIA and the FBI knew they were in this country and were supposed to be keeping their eye on them. We know that some of them attended flight school in Florida but did not want to take the part of the instructions that would have showed them how to land the airplane.

We know that, although they considered themselves righteous Muslims they spent a lot of time hanging out in a strip club in Florida. We know that when they boarded the doomed aircraft they paid for their one-way tickets in cash and none had any luggage. Both of these, by law, should have led to additional scrutiny by airport security personal. There was a regulation at the time that demanded these security personal checks of passengers like this very closely, under penalty of discipline. But airport security just waved them on to their various planes,

We know that a five year old could have walked into the cabin of a jetliner back then, because their doors were not always locked. We known that government cutbacks had caused a shortage of air marshalls.

So the days when a chimpanzee could have hijacked an airliner are over. The door to the flight deck is like a vault. No one is going in to visit the pilots. The security just getting onto your flight is like being x-rayed and hand-vacuumed by sexual devients. And they want you to take your shoes off for that pleasant smell of airport foot we've all come to enjoy. They might even do a semi-prostate exam on you if they feel like it. They have the authority to see through your damn clothes.

Incompetence played a very large role in 9/11. Perhaps even a bigger role than Osama bin Laden, who was just a pathetic psychopath with grandiose ideas of ruling the world.

We let our security at our airports become useless and that is what happened. We learned, the very hard way, to beef up security at airports and there have been no successful attempts since.

Now the U.S. government, who should have been on its agency the FAA for years demanding more security. should take the other assault on our individual freedoms and throw them out. Before we throw the government out.

Great you got Osama bin Laden after a decade of sleeping with various dogs to discover what kennel he was in. Now we want some of our freedoms back and we want U.S. troops home.


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