The goose that laid the golden egg, departed the U.S. back around the time of all those rigged trade deals signed by the Bush boobs and was last seen in China. Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall a long time back or maybe it was a rusty bridge railing that turned to dust under his weight. In any case he was never put together again. Nor were his remains cleaned up. So let's just say that part of the city is roped off.
On the upside, Miss Muffet did not receive her food stamps and couldn't purchase her curds and wheys, so the spider sat on the tuffet by himself and didn't get the chance to scare poor Miss Muffet away. You of course remember the old woman who lived in the shoe who had so many children she didn't know what to do? She is in a real mess. The Republicans are talking about making severe cuts to WIC, the government food program for poor women, infants and children. Now we see why the old woman didn't know what to do.
But we're not living any of these fairy tales. Hell, we are writing our own. Just look at those make-believe budget proposals that will be burned by the millions of volumes the next time the DEA confiscates enough coke and weed to cover up the stench of bad ideas put to paper and circulated among idiots in Washington D.C, the fairy tale capitol of the world.
This is a week that sickens even pick-pockets as they watch the news. No wonder the "snatch 'n grab" has become so popular among the officially unauthorized criminal population. The Republicans want to snatch some of the food right out of the mouths of the poor women and children receiving help from the WIC (Women, Infants and Children) fund because they believe we have to "start somewhere" in making cuts to the $3.7 trillion annual federal budget.
Not to be outdone former community organizer and now President, Barack Obama would like to cut some funds to poor people who receive cheaper heating bills. Meanwhile, all the cuts needed are sitting in that massive tax cut for the very wealthy. It is more of the same. Reverse Robin Hood economics. Money from the poor is stolen from the poor and given to the wealthy.
Obama thinks it's a big deal to microscopically add to the Pell Grant, which in this environment of $35,000 annual tuitions at private schools doesn't even amount to spare change. Obama also came up with some spending (trillions) the same day he was talking about cutting the budget. High speed rail. He'd like some of that. He'd like to improve the nation's infrastructure which needs a 50 year face lift. And he'd like to fix the highways and the roads. These expenditures would all produce jobs in the job hungry economy. Maybe that's why he brought them up. Maybe he was just putting us on. It was a warm day; he had some time on his hands . . .
On the other side of town the House Speaker with a Tan was talking about laying off one million government workers. This is an old Republican power play that comes up from time to time.
The Republicans would love to get rid of all those Democrat-voting government employee unions. But if you think the Federal Government has trouble now, just lay off a million workers and see what happens. Asked about it The House Speaker with the Tan, replied "So be it." Yes, he really said "So be it."
So the Republican answer so far is to take food from the mouths of poor women and children and layoff one million government workers, They have other plans too. Republicans don't like what is called non-discretionary funding, This is where all your social programs are located, including the Big Three: social security, Medicare and Medicaid, amounting to 20 percent of the budget,
The problems with making changes to them is that they are mandated by law, all ND funding is mandated by law. Those laws would have to be changed. The politics get so intense at this point that Republicans literally don't even know how to talk about it. In public they change the subject. On the air they change the subject to Sarah Palin's athletic legs and generally blubber on about a bill they might file allowing members of the general public to own long range artillery pieces. Oh and governor of Mississippi doesn't necessarily think it's a bad thing that the people in his state want to put the portrait of the founder of the KKK on their license plates.
This is just a sampling of the fairy tale we are hearing this year. So far it is the hungry women and children versus the high speed rail.
Of course none of this crap is for certain, most of it is lies, and a percentage consists of trial balloons set to the sky to see if the polls will like them or not.
When it really comes time for the cuts, we will hear about them after they are made. And remember they have to get past Obama's veto, which could transform them into fairy tales with the stroke of a pen.
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