Below are the latest news articles mentioning shark from all the local Cape Cod news sources. Most of these stories should be related to recent shark sightings, tagging and locations of Great White Sharks on Cape Cod.
How blessed we are to live in gorgeous New England where we can experience all four seasons. Nothing compares to a beautiful New England summer. Lobster rolls, hydrangeas, iced coffee, and sailboats. The aesthetic of a New England summer cannot be topped. Where better to spend the hottest month of the…
Three great white sharks have reportedly been spotted off Cape Cod in the last two days. On Wednesday, one shark was spotted at around noon off Head of the Meadow Beach in Truro, while the other was at Cahoon Hollow Beach in Wellfleet at around 10 a.m. The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy says a great…
WELLFLEET – Cape Cod’s waters are part of a natural and wild marine ecosystem with a rich diversity of sea life, including sharks and seals. Seals are the major prey species for the great white shark. Sharks often feed on seals close to shore, and they’ve been observed near swimming beaches.…
TRURO – Officials with the National Parks Service are urging residents and visitors to be “shark smart” when swimming in the Cape Cod National Seashore this summer by using caution and following some simple guidelines. Beachgoers are advised to avoid swimming in areas where seals and schools…
CHATHAM – Sharks are back in the waters of Cape Cod and the Islands with the first detected shark of the season being a returning face that helped make history in the marine science world. The 14 ft shark Lee Beth made history in February when she was tracked deep into the Gulf of Mexico…
Dr. Beach explains how his rating system for the world’s beaches does not consider shark-watching a benefit. He prefers to swim at his favorite beaches. Unfortunately, features that make swimming desirable also attracts seals, in growing numbers due to Maritime laws to help protect whales, which…
Dr. Beach Says Booming Seals Add a New Challenge for Swimmers: Sharks
CHATHAM – Marine experts were witness to a rare sight over the weekend when an orca whale was spotted just off Cape Cod. The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy reported the orca, also called killer whales, off Chatham on Sunday. Dolphin Fleet Whale Watch said it was likely “Old Thom”,…
CHATHAM – With the summer season in swing, the New England Aquarium is reporting signs of white shark activity along Massachusetts coastlines following numerous recent sightings of marine mammals bearing the marks of white shark bites. In recent weeks a fishing charter spotted a minke whale with…
CHATHAM – Scientists have spotted the first great white shark of the 2024 season. New England Aquarium Scientist John Chisolm documented a pair of sharks swimming off Monomoy Island. President and Co-Founder of the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy Cynthia Wigren says it’s right on time with the…
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