Posted by Cape Cod Daily News via Hyannis News
Wednesday August 28, 2024 (6 months, 2 weeks ago)
[HN PHOTO NOTES & MULLINGS ON THE MATTER] Twas a relatively quiet overnight across the Cape in terms of major crimes, crashes, and injuries. I suppose that’s a cause for celebration after the summer we just had. But can HN safely report having a quiet evening without jinxing the remainder of the week? I certainly hope so…
“Relatively quiet” is not to say it was without the usual idiots, dramas, and minor crashes.
Right before midnight, Barnstable Police responded to Sea Street Beach (AKA “Keyes Memorial Beach”) for a young couple fighting in the parking lot. The whole thing became a little bit more complicated when at least one of the lovebirds took off from officers onto the beach, effectively cloaking themselves in darkness. Cops then had to go find, wrangle, and return with them back to the parking area, in order to have a little chat. It was called in as a “domestic disturbance,” and officers had to play it by the book. In the old days, officers would have looked at them taking off like fools and radioed “GOA… problem solved on our end.” (I like the old days much better, in case you’re wondering…)
HN arrived right when officers were returning to the parking area with the male (he, him, his… y chromosome) half of the equation. The lively young lass, noticing officers had finally located her long-lost love, happily skipped toward the young man, giving him a great big hug! All was well again. Leaving officers with nothing more to say, other than something like, “Why did you run off? It makes our job a royal pain in the arse… and it’s also really annoying… GOSH!”
(“Lovebirds,” *smh* they’ll grow out of it…)
There was also a single vehicle crash up on Route 6 shortly after midnight. The vehicle had spun-out down an embankment near the Barnstable/Yarmouth town line. Nobody was hurt for once. Thank God!
Welp, that’s a wrap. Please have a very safe and splendiferous Cape Cod Wednesday!
P.S. – Today’s Hytown Vignette is a brought to you by Astrud Gilberto… [CLICK IT/CRANK IT! HEADPHONES ABSOLUTELY OBLIGATORY!]