Posted by Cape Cod Daily News via Hyannis News
Friday July 12, 2024 (8 months, 2 weeks ago)
HYANNIS, MASSACHUSETTS – According to a Barnstable Police Department media statement, they believe they have caught the man responsible for multiple recent car breaks and larcenies.
Over the past several weeks, there have been over a dozen cars broken into in the Hyannis/Centerville area, police say.
Earlier today – Friday, July 12, 2024 – Jakari Sylvia, 19, of Hyannis was reportedly arrested and charged with several of the recent breaks.
“Barnstable Police Detectives and Patrol Officers, working with evidence gathered from the crime scenes and provided by the public, were able to obtain a warrant for Sylvia’s arrest on Friday afternoon. Shortly after, Sylvia was taken into custody by members of the Detective Unit, Patrol Eve Shift, and K-9 Unit at his residence,” according to the BPD statement.
Sylvia was transported to Barnstable Police Headquarters, where he was booked and charged with multiple counts of Breaking and Entering Into a Motor Vehicle, as well as Larceny of Property Under $1200.
“Bail was set at $40 and personal recognizance,” according to the BPD statement.
Sylvia is scheduled to be arraigned in Barnstable District Court on Monday July 15, 2024.
Barnstable cops state the investigation remains “active and ongoing,” and urge anyone with information related to any of the motor vehicle breaks to please contact Detective Christopher Botsford at 774-339-0764.
The BPD also “highly encourage” members of the community to help prevent crimes of this nature by taking part in the “9pmRoutine”, where at 9pm every night you:
1. Take valuables in from your vehicle
2. Lock your vehicles
3. Lock your homes
4. Leave an outside light on
The following HN AUDIO highlights Barnstable Police dispatching officers to a number of motor vehicle breaks in Hyannis and Centerville last Saturday morning…
HN NOTE: The details contained in the above report are based on a Barnstable Police Department media statement. All defendants are presumed to be innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. No further details available at this time.
P.S. – Today’s Hytown Vignette is a brought to you by Andy Gibb… [CLICK IT/CRANK IT! HEADPHONES ABSOLUTELY OBLIGATORY!]