Posted by Cape Cod Daily News via Hyannis News
Monday May 13, 2024 (9 months, 3 weeks ago)
[HN PHOTO NOTES] In the top HN photo, at around 5:30 a.m. this morning in Hyannis, police and firefighters were called to an ordinarily quiet family neighborhood for a report of a man down in someone’s driveway. Neighbors and people at the residence had no idea who the unconscious man was. Luckily, police were able to find an ID and learned the patient was some random, highly intoxicated guy from Queens, New York… but it’s a still a mystery on how he ended up there. The incapacitated, worse for wear New Yorker was hoisted onto a stretcher and transported to Cape Cod Hospital.
In the above HN photos, Barnstable Police are still trying to figure out what, in the wide-world of sports, caused two young men from off-Cape to suddenly pull over and start fighting one another in a Centerville bank parking lot early this morning.
At around 3:30 a.m., patrol officers were dispatched to the Rockland Trust at the intersection of Route 28 and West Main Street. Upon arrival, officers discovered one of the men had a damaged face, and rescue was called to evaluated him for lumps and lacerations. COMM FD checked him out and he refused further treatment… and police then arrested him on a warrant for leaving the scene of a past, unrelated motor vehicle crash with property damage.
The other young man, the one with fewer injuries, was initially detained but eventually released from custody. His part in the affray was considered a “simple assault” and was not “arrestable” because police didn’t witness him going all “Jackie Chan” on the other guy.
What caused these two out-of-towners to suddenly pull over and behave like wild, belligerent baboons? Unfortunately, the world may never know…
5:45 a.m. this morning… downtown Hyannis…
and so it goes…
At around 2:30 a.m. this morning, police and firefighters responded to the parking lot outside of some Hyannis apartments for a woman in her mid-forties suffering a priority one opioid overdose. The patient was transported to CCH after she was partially revived with Narcan…
Centerville – Osterville – Marston Mills Firefighters rushed to an address on Shoot Flying Road in Centerville Saturday evening to stop a fully engulfed car fire from spreading to other parked vehicles and a nearby residence.
Barnstable Police responded to a Hyannis neighborhood this weekend to check on an ongoing house party… and to make sure an ambulance was able to get through. The party was in the process of quieting down and the ambulance was able to pass through without issues, in order to transport a handicapped man to the hospital.
A singing sparrow belted one out while resting on a state police cruiser, shortly after a busy crash scene on the Bourne Bridge, early Saturday morning.
P.S. – Today’s Hytown Vignette is a brought to you by The Fools… [CLICK IT/CRANK IT! HEADPHONES ABSOLUTELY OBLIGATORY!]