Posted by Cape Cod Daily News via Hyannis News
Tuesday March 26, 2024 (11 months, 3 weeks ago)

security patrol property check service

Above photo sent in by HN reader…   YARMOUTH, MASSACHUSETTS – According to police reports filed in Barnstable District Court (see included reports below), at around 10:00 a.m. Saturday – March 23, 2024 – Yarmouth police and firefighters responded to Great Western Road in the area of Todd Road for a vehicle that had crashed and landed on its roof. There reportedly was damage to a guardrail and a large tree… and the vehicle had come to rest upside-down near a utility shed at the edge of a golf course. Remarkably, there were no initial reports of injuries. Officer Jason Batchelder made contact with Christ Amezquita, who reportedly stated being the lone occupant/operator of the vehicle… and that he had swerved to avoid a car pulling out of Todd Road onto Great Western Road just prior to the crash. Amezquita’s behavior was described as being “incredibly animated and erratic” toward first responders on scene. Officers and witnesses were also reportedly concerned by what was described as “a strong odor of alcoholic beverage” coming from Amezquita. Amezquita reportedly was uncooperative while being investigated for alleged drunk driving, at one point reportedly saying he was not going to answer a question about whether he drank any alcohol prior to the crash. After being arrested for suspicion of driving drunk, Amezqita reportedly then expressed a desire to get medical treatment and was taken to Cape Cod Hospital in an ambulance with a police officer onboard. Amezquita’s behavior reportedly continued to be “erratic” at the hospital. Hospital staff reportedly drew his blood during the medical evaluation, which Officer Batchelder reportedly intends to subpoena as part of his investigation. Amezquita was eventually discharged from CCH and transported to YPD Headquarters to continue the booking process. He reportedly refused to participate in a breath test. According to a report filed by Sergeant Dianna Wells of the Yarmouth Police, Amezquita’s behavior was “all over the place” during the investigation at the scene. “He screamed, he cried, he got angry,” according to her report. “Between his roller coaster behavior and emotional outbursts, his slurred speech, the strong odor of alcohol coming from his mouth and his unsteadiness, there is no doubt in my mind that Amezquita was showing signs of severe intoxication and impairment and should not have been driving a motor vehicle,” her report continues. [HN NOTE: It’s important to mention that Yarmouth Police Officers were wearing body cameras during their investigation… and footage exists of their interactions with Amezquita should it be required in court.] “While being secured on the stretcher, Amezquita made a comment insinuating he was being arrested instead of the other operator because he is Spanish,” according to Sgt. Wells’ report. The scene was reportedly a mess. After a member of the Sheriff’s Crime Scene unit took photos, two tow trucks were needed to flip and remove the vehicle. The Yarmouth Fire Department also had to deal with fluid spills. “A large amount of personnel and resources were used as a result of this incident,” according to Sgt. Wells’ report. Amezquita’s behavior reportedly did not improve at police headquarters, according to Sgt. Wells’ report: “Eventually, Amezquita decided to call his mother. While on the phone with her, Amezquita spoke to her in Spanish, which is my native language. Amezquita was so impaired he could barely speak to her and just kept repeating, ‘Mami, mami, mami, mami,’ over and over. He then started [ ] speaking to me, saying I’m being disrespectful to him because he’s Spanish. At this point, I started speaking to Amezquita in Spanish, which only angered him more and resulted in him calling me, ‘Puta,’ which means whore in Spanish […] I spoke with Amezquita’s mother, in Spanish, and relayed all information to her. She stated she would attempt to contact a friend to come bail him out […] In all my years as a Sergeant and in the numerous booking processes I’ve conducted, I have yet to encounter someone who was as belligerent, disrespectful and difficult as Amezquita. It is my opinion Amezquita should absolutely not have been driving a motor vehicle in the state he was in and with his level of impairment.” In a report filed by Officer Mary Gibney of the YPD, she wrote, “Based on [witness] statement, the damage to the guardrails, and the mechanics of the crash, it appears that Amezquita was speeding and that the estimate by [witness] of 50 mph is very reasonable. The road is not posted where the crash occurred but based on the residential area, it would be considered thickly settled and recommended 30 mph.” In regard to Saturday’s crash and investigation, Christ A. Amezquita, 25, of Harwich was charged with Operating Under the Influence of Alcohol – 2nd Offense, Negligent Operation of a Motor Vehicle, Marked Lanes Violation, and Speeding (greater than reasonable or proper). According to additional court records, Amezquita received his first drunk driving charge in 2021. Which was eventually dismissed after a continuance without a finding in Falmouth District Court in 2023. Amezquita was also has a charge of Disorderly Conduct on his record, which was also dismissed in 2021. According to an Incident Report filed by Trooper Steven Culver of the Massachusetts Police, Amezquita received an E-Summons during a traffic stop in May of 2022 (see report below). Trooper Culver states, “I approached the vehicle and asked the operator (Identified as Amezquita, Christ […]) for his license and registration. The subject stated he was in trouble. I asked him why, and he stated because his license was suspended. I confirmed this to him and also advised him of the status of his registration as well. I contacted the Barracks [in Yarmouth] and requested a wrecker respond for the vehicle. Capeway towing arrived on scene and secured the vehicle. I issued subject [Amezquita] an E-Summons […] for the following MV charges: 1. Op. after Suspension 2. Suspended Registration” P.S. – Today’s Hytown Vignette is brought to you by Dr. John…  [CLICK IT/CRANK IT! HEADPHONES ABSOLUTELY OBLIGATORY!]   * Defendants are presumed to be innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. AFOREMENTIONED DOCUMENTS:                

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