Posted by Cape Cod Daily News via Hyannis News
Thursday August 31, 2023 (8 months ago)

security patrol property check service

HN PHOTO: Barnstable Police patrolmen stop by the Hyannis Village Green at around 2:00 a.m. this morning. The bandstand on the Town Hall Village Green is a popular, last-ditch spot for many homeless individuals looking for well-lit, basic shelter from the elements. It’s also, unfortunately, the location of frequent incidents of homeless-on-homeless violence, including stabbings and at least one murder in recent years. And because of past disturbances and extreme violence, officers would rather have homeless individuals not congregate there in groups, except for times of extreme weather, like life-threatening plunging temperatures, heavy rain or snow. (This morning there were at least 5 men camping on the bandstand just prior to this photo.) The woods surrounding downtown Hyannis and West Yarmouth often have a much larger number of homeless individuals attempting to survive in tents. But these homeless camps on the outskirts can also be places of extreme violence and medical emergencies. Many homeless individuals feel safer sleeping in downtown doorways, as well as on the bandstand, where they are not so isolated, and where they can have more timely responses from first responders when needed.   YARMOUTH, Massachusetts –  According to yesterday’s media release from Robert Whritenour, Yarmouth’s Town Administrator, on Tuesday, August 29, 2023, Governor Maura Healey’s Office contacted the Town of Yarmouth via email to confirm that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts “has placed a temporary hold on the proposed temporary sheltering of homeless, migrant families in 80-100 rooms at the Yarmouth Resort, a motel located at 343 Route 28 as part of a State of Emergency which has been declared in Massachusetts. The temporary hold is for the purpose of examining code-related issues at the proposed site. No additional information has been provided regarding the timeframe of the temporary hold, and the Governor’s office indicated that additional updates will be provided as available.” In other words, the plans to shelter migrants at the Yarmouth Resort are still expected to move forward after the “temporary hold,” according to the statement. This past Saturday – August 26, 2023 – HN posted the following article regarding the perplexing issue of undocumented, unvetted foreign migrants being housed on the Cape – paid for with tax dollars – at a time when a large number of local, life-long residents are struggling with their own conditions of poverty and homelessness. [DEVELOPING SITUATION, STAY TUNED]:   INITIAL HN REPORT: *** HN PHOTOS *** “THE MIGRANTS ARE COMING! THE MIGRANTS ARE COMING!” BUT WHAT ABOUT OUR OWN? By Robert Bastille  |  August 26, 2023 [HN PHOTOS, NOTES & MULLINGS ON THE MATTER] “Up to 100 displaced and migrant families are expected to be placed at the Yarmouth Resort as early as next week under a state of emergency order declared by Gov. Maura Healey’s administration earlier this month,” was the first line published in yesterday’s Cape Cod Times report. “As of Wednesday morning, 5,906 displaced and migrant families were staying in state shelters. That is 356 more families than Aug. 7, the day before Healey declared a state of emergency in response to a rapid increase in migrant arrivals that has pushed emergency shelters to the brink,” according to yesterday’s report in the Boston Herald. The Herald’s article goes on to point out that according to the Healey administration, the state is spending “roughly $45 million a month on sheltering and providing basic necessities to displaced and migrant families.” Two days ago, HN was informed about as many as 50 migrants possibly being bussed to and sheltered at a hotel in Eastham, much to the dismay of several local officials who were reportedly blindsided by the news. That number is closer to 35 migrants according to a comment reportedly made to the Cape Cod Times by Sen. Julian Cyr – so everyone should feel a bit relieved, I suppose… HN reached out to a high-ranking Eastham police official for comment but has not heard back yet. HN suspects the numbers of migrants being funded and sheltered on the Cape by Governor Healey’s administration to be much, much higher.   And the numbers are continuing to grow by the day by all accounts. There are at least two migrant “welcome centers” already open and operating within the commonwealth, in Allston and Quincy, with a third being considered in Worcester, according to an Aug. 18, 2023 article in the Boston Herald. To where these ever-increasing numbers of migrants are being relocated should be a matter of public record. There needs to be full transparency regarding these growing numbers and the communities impacted, along with a true and accurate accounting on how many tax dollars are actually being spent. HN suspects the $45 million a month is a lowball number. But what about our own people? How much is being spent on the people of the Cape already here, struggling to find and afford their own basic shelter? What about our large numbers of disenfranchised men and woman already living on the streets? Upon hearing yesterday’s news, my heart broke for the people already living outside on the streets of Hyannis, the ones having to endure these recent rains. I happen to know some of them, and I didn’t see anyone taking care of their basic shelter needs this morning when I checked. I’m unaware of any “state of emergency” being declared for them.  And I don’t see the welcome centers for people already here trying to find housing, including those already homeless or those about to be. But I do see the daily images of the migrants from other nations flooding across our southern border, and it confuses me. I used to live in Mexico (more on that later), and I had to fill out a lot of forms to work there and pay my own way. I had to be vetted and the hoops were numerous, to say the least. Our current situation sincerely confuses me. I just don’t understand. I used to fly with my baby daughter when I returned to the U.S. visiting during my time living overseas.  At the beginning of each flight, a stewardess (as they were called in those days), would tell me that in the event of a loss in cabin pressure, that I should put the oxygen mask on myself first, and then on my baby.  In other words, I would need to take care of myself first in order to take care of her.  In fact, the survival of us both would depend on me taking care of myself first.  And I keep thinking, ‘are the people of the United States taking care of themselves first?’ This morning, I went out on the streets within a block or two of my current home in the downtown area. I wanted to carefully photograph and document the poor souls already here and living outside in the rain, because I just couldn’t get them off of my mind.  It didn’t take long to find a number of poor souls. I met one man who also happened to be awake at around 4:00 a.m. when I took the following photos. This man grew up in my neighborhood. He is not a drug addict nor boozer. But he’s in his 60s now, and physically unable to work the two to three jobs needed to at least have an outside chance at finding shelter here. I remembered when he was a strapping teen, cruising up and down our street on his bicycle, happy, without a clue as to how badly the state of Massachusetts would eventually end up disrespecting and ultimately mistreating him, just because he doesn’t check any of the political boxes needed to be treated humanely around here.       I then drove by the Yarmouth Inn and did not find one find one migrant outside on the ground getting wet… which is pretty good, I guess.       On HN’s Facebook page, the opinions and comments are mostly opposed to Governor Healey’s intentions of housing undocumented, unvetted foreign migrants on the Cape at a time when we are struggling with our own alarming issues related to poverty and homelessness. For example… (The following reader comments are unedited. HN does not necessarily agree or disagree with any of the following statements or opinions.  HN is not a member of any political party.   Also, HN is not a registered voter for any particular political party.  HN is, in fact, leery of all politicians equally, and tends to vote for the ones believed to likely hurt my family and friends the least): M.H. writes:  “I’m a firm believer, that we do not feed, cloths, shelter or medical for folks here illegally as long as there is one hungry or unhoused American citizen. Same for hungry or unhoused vets, they come first!” D.L. writes:  “Despicable!! House our veterans first!!” N.H. writes:  “There are no words to describe how I feel about all of this! It makes no sense! Hurts everyone! Take care of our own FIRST!!!” T.M. writes: “Thank you for covering this! We, the previous owners at the resort, thank you!” P.B. writes:  “Maura Healey’s you opened the doors to these illegals you keep them up in Boston…” L.J. writes:  “Heartbreaking” C.L. writes:  “Ty bob for doing the right thing and standing up for us.ty.” T.M. writes:  “Just a quick FYI to those commenting on the Yarmouth Resort. I’ve been reading a lot of commentary regarding the illegals that are going to be housed there. I was an owner of a studio at the Yarmouth Resort. I purchased my condo five years ago after my divorce and having put my daughter through college, I bought what was able to afford to live on Cape Cod comfortably and work without worrying about paying rent. About a year ago three LLCs, owned by an Indian family whose main company is the Jansen Corporation, came in and informed myself and fifteen other owners that they would give us a buyout amount that we could “take or leave”. We were given, in my estimation, about a quarter to a third of the value of what our studios would have gone for on the free market. We were told if we did not take the amount offered that we would be priced out of the facility by exorbitant improvements to the common areas, therefore increasing our monthly condo fees. Unable to do anything different, after consulting attorneys, we decided that we needed to sell. We Were made to wait about 6 months from emptying our units until the actual closing in July. During that time we were informed that the hotel/condo complex of the Yarmouth Resort would be filled with Visa workers that come to the Cape to “do jobs that nobody else wants to do”. The remaining rooms would be used by the federal government who had approved the site to receive federal vouchers. This was months ago and make no mistake, this was planned. It’s important to me that people know what’s happening on the Cape because it’s just not right. I have since left Massachusetts and have no plans to return because of the high cost of living. I am in the healthcare field and primarily focus on private care duty for Alzheimer and MS patients. There is a shortage of healthcare staff on Cape Cod and there will continue to be as long as we allow this type of treatment towards our middle class. I bought my condo outright. I was in possession of my deed. I paid my taxes to the town of Yarmouth. There is now an illegal living in my house being paid for by the taxpayers.” S.L. writes:  “This whole situation is [heartbreaking emoji] So many people I grew up with had to move off cape to find affordable housing, a few are still here couch hopping or living in cars. I came across paperwork of what my grandma house sold for after she passed in 2009 (220k!) A 3BR 1.5 bath 2car garage easily goes for twice that now honestly almost 3x that. The market is out of control. I have been fortunate enough to get into subsidized housing, my bf and I are trying to save up to get our own place but even with us making above minimum wage $18 & $23 HR and credit scores over 750 we only qualify for 250k mortgage. Meaning nothing that will work for our family is affordable. I was born and raised here, most of my family is here. I would be devastated if I had no choice but to leave. I feel for these other people as well but you’re right we need to take care of our own before we start taking in others.” P.O. writes:   “Very bright Maura putting migrants on a seasonal tourist destination, not to mention one of the most expensive places to live. Is she expecting them to ever leave the motel and find a house to live in or are we going to have to pay for them forever. I can’t even think about what it’s going to do to our hospital and schools. From what I understand people are having trouble getting doctors now.” K.L. responds:  “[P.O.] yea people who live here and have lived here entire lives cant find doctors and are having housing crisis and not being able to afford it and yet hey lets give free housing and food to immigrants to come to a already pricey tourist location and take up what little there is and take it from our real citizens who are all struggling right now to survive but ya sounds like great idea let’s leave our own people to suffer its so outrageous I literally cant it makes my blood boil just thinking about the subject its heartbreaking” J.S. writes:  “How many migrants will Senator Cyr be hosting in his Truro home? Asking for a friend…” I.W. writes:  “Put them on busses and send them to the beautiful town of Arlington, where our gov lives. Top rated schools there too, for the kids. Plenty of seasonal hotels on the North Shore” R.H writes:  “There is supposed to be a protest at the Yarmoth Resort at 10 am . Go make your voice heard!” K.D. writes:  “Yes, we need to deal with homelessness on the Cape – absolutely. But what if I told you that if we had the political will – we could do both? THe yarmouth inn is temporary shelter for refugees. We need to lean harder on our local officials – I’m talking town and up – to deal with the chronic homeless on the Cape. It’s a combination of mental illness and other issues that is causing this situation. And we have to take a really hard look at ourselves too – it’s been our zoning rules and NIMBY neighbors that don’t want to add the housing needed to support our population. I wish this was a simple fix – but it’s not.” J.Q. writes:  “First off they’re not migrants, they’re invaders they need to do something about the homeless cape people. I’m one of the people that got driven out by this bull. In the apartment I lived in which was 2 little rooms that cost over$1000 a month. I was the only one that spoke English. I’d go to the social security office and couldn’t even get in because the line full of migrants was blocking me. This crap needs to end. You don’t see countries like China getting flooded with migrants. I got driven out of the place I grew up in because of this crap. It needs to end. Also it’s kinda funny how not long ago they passed a local law that people couldn’t live in hotels but now these so called migrants can. What’s up with that?!?! They just do what they want and screw the locals who are having a hard enough time living there as it is. Something drastic needs to happen because it’s bull crap. They are taking the Cape and the country apart piece by piece.” J.P. writes:  “First thing we need to do is stop letting them redefine words. These people are NOT migrants. Migrants migrate back and forth places they have for a long period of time. Such as hummingbirds or caribou. These people are invaders and being used as a weapon against our country. Both by foreign, domestic and native traitors for financial gain People should start remembering the greedy, thieving politicians live somewhere too Maybe it’s time they get terrorized 24/7 like our citizens by them.” P.A. writes:  “But but but how can this be? All those sanctuary state liberals are more than willing to open their homes and support the illegals just like their governor asked them to do. You aren’t saying that they are showing their true hypocrite colors now are you ?” P.C. writes:  “We have a Housing crisis on the Cape and there going to “give” housing to migrants from another country a place to live here! While we all struggle to find a place to live! Pathetic! They won’t help us but they will give it to them! Free! They get their meals covered by our tax dollars too.“ A.F. responds:  “And healthcare, and clothing, and we’re paying for special interpreters in education. And sooooo much more.” T.L. writes:  “The democrats don’t care, they are all set, they have enough $$$ for themselves and their families and their families… they love giving “handouts” to the wrong people “ M.L. writes:  “If you’re homeless in Hyannis that’s your own fault. Work harder or move somewhere cheaper.” J.L. writes:  “They don’t care about our own homeless population but ask us to take the illegals and immigrants into our homes or give them priority. This administration is so f’d up it’s disgusting!! #TRUMP2024ToSaveAmerica “ M.C. writes:  “my daughter was born/raised here. Live in maine as she can’t afford to live in her hometown with her family. It’s a shame the housing cape homeless, too expensive to live here unless your illegal or immigrant” D.C writes:  “Vote for your local politicians. Dont wait for the presidential election!” R.H. writes:  “Close the damn border! Enough of this madness! This will put stress on everything! Now you know how the border towns have felt since we put an idiot in the WH .FJB” P.P. writes:  “Hyannis News, My heart is breaking for ppl that r homeless or about to be. I’m very angry too. I’m angry that the ppl that can help ppl and fix the homeless in Massachusetts don’t and won’t help the American citizens that live here, have worked here, paid taxes all that. But r allowing and helping firsthand these and other migrants. Immigrants that chose to cross the borders. Some of them are criminals, too. Our politicians r reaching out to help them get housing, food. Clothing. All that..I just don’t get it. It pisses me off to say the least. These migrants r getting the welcome wagon committee, opening doors for them. Where r they for the American citizens that r struggling, trying to find a home. Food clothing. This is soooooo wrong. Ppl r mad and sick of being treated like this. Robert Bastille, what can we do about this? You r very smart and have knowledge about everything. How can ppl do something to help fix this problem. I’m willing to help however I can. Maybe start a petition of some kind?? Please reach out to me Robert Bastille. Thank you.” T.M. replies:  “[P.P.] same thing happening in Taunton for months now, a whole hotel with a 5 year contract. It’s a shame we have people on the streets and local families stuck in hotels paying crazy prices” P.P. replies:  “[T.M.] I know I heard about that. So many Americans homeless, families, our veterans that fought for our country, seniors that can hardly move, it’s sooooo wrong. What’s our government and local politicians doing to help them, not a darn thing. How do they look away like this. They step right up so they look like heroes helping immigrants. It’s disgusting and disturbing for sure.” H.L. writes:  “Pathetic are ALL of your comments. What have YOU done to protect and house YOUR own?? Did you go out on the streets and lean a helping hand to your own? Did you personally go out there to ask them if they would like a warm place to sleep or a warm plate of food?? Did YOU???? If yes, then that was your reward. If not. You’ll end up just like your own. On the streets. While the “foreign” returns to possess the land it was once taken by FORCE. If I were YOU. I’d leave before it starts happening. 8.29″  [Then, a fight breaks out in the comment section between others with opposing views… names are called… veiled threats are made…] H.L. writes:  “Our country is being destroyed by wokeism, under the guise of righteousness” J.S. writes:  “DISGUSTING !” M.B. writes:  “Anyone who voted for Maura Healey should take one migrant into their home as a good gesture. Stop virtue signaling and put your money where your whiney mouth is.” S.S. writes:  “This is unbelievable to me. So many struggling right now. I just don’t understand” B.R. writes:  “Totally disgusting to let our own veterans live on the streets,yet pay them and house them in an area that’s one of the most expensive to live-buy in” [The above were just some of the comments posted on HN Facebook] RECENT READER EMAILS AND MESSAGES ON THIS SUBJECT: G.M. writes: “Mr Bastille, I just want to take the time to Thank You for speaking out about the migrants being moved into Cape Cod.  I totally agree with you, I have been looking, asking, begging, working, saving, going without, whatever I can do to find a place to rent on the Cape.  I have been a renter here since 1980, worked two-three jobs at a time, raised both my children by myself and paid all the bills myself since I step foot on this sandbar.  To have it all stripped away from me by greedy ass landlords and now the ridiculous actions of a state government that cannot see there is already a housing problem on the Cape. I am a single person now, older, ready to retire, but where?  Who can afford those nice 55 and over apartments that cost $3000 or more a month??  I know there is no quick solution to the housing crunch here but to do this to those of us who already work and live here is just plain rude.  Looks like I will be moving off this sandbar, and from now on I’ll be voting differently, you can be sure of that. Thank You for voicing my opinion as well as your own.” …………………………………………… R.G. writes: “Dear Rob,  We have casually chatted on your FB page. I used to work the [a nightclub in Yarmouth that’s no longer] back in the day. Wow seems like only yesterday! Lol Anyways. Your article here is spot on. The ones that hold elected positions are ( as they say) biting off their noses in spite of their face. Yet, the voting population keeps these same people in office. Especially the voting population here on Cape Cod. Recently, I have had another cancer scare (for the 6th time) . Not knowing the prognosis until surgery and the pathological results I was concerned about the “what if’s”. In preparation for what would be considered the worst, aka chemo etc, and becoming placed out of work. I placed calls to the various agencies here, and at the state level. Only to find that 0 assistance would be available. I’m 66. Disabled. Yet. Work… … I read about J-1’s staying at the Town & Country partying it up. . I read now about this. I now see several illegals coming to the Cape. The spin doctors say “ migrant workers” in order to soften the blow. So. Here comes the Yarmouth Resort. I am curious ( transparency?) as to the monies exchanging hands here housing them. Oh wait. Yarmouth has a bylaw regarding living in a motel. Oh wait. It’s the government……nevermind.  I am 100% for people desiring to come to America in order to better their lives and become part of what is referred to as the American dream. Do it legally. Do I support the ones that jump the border to come here? Negative. People say that they are taken care of by the government. That is a misconception. It is taxpayer funded. We the working citizen pay for it. Enough is enough. Send your reporting to Desantis. Trust me. He’ll back this article 100%” ………………………………………………………….. J.B. writes: “Looks like a huge protest is setup for this Saturday and maybe Steven Xiarhos might show up. Seems like hundreds will be going to make a stand. Americans first!” …………………………………………………………. A.M. writes: “Here’s my opinion we have a lot of homeless veterans that not only faught for their lives but also they faught for ours but the stupid government wants to house illegals none of this makes sense I mean what’s next we gonna house the people we go to war with overseas that would defeat the purpose of the military” …………………………………………………………. J.D. writes:   “There was a new group I thought you might like to join but can’t find you”   ………………………………………………………………………….. The above were all the reader comments I had time to post today.  Sorry I did not have time to post them all.   P.S. – Today’s Hytown Vignette is a brought to you by Jefferson Airplane…  [CLICK IT/CRANK IT!]  

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