Oak Bluffs Council on Aging 21 Wamsutta Ave. 508-693-4509, ext. 3 oakbluffsma.gov/152/Council-on-Aging Coffee and tea all day 9 am to 3 pm daily. Refreshments are served during all of our programs. Bring a friend! Mondays
Tisbury Senior Center 34 Pine Tree Road, Vineyard Haven 508-696-4205 tisburyma.gov/council-aging Weekly Activities Mondays
The Dukes County Health and Human Services Department seeks a Veterans Services Officer. The job is 30 hours a week, with benefits. The candidate must be an honorably discharged U.S. veteran. Please email manager@dukescounty.org for more information and a full job description. The Dukes County Veterans Service Department serves the veterans of all seven towns within Dukes County. The Veterans Service Officer helps veterans obtain all the benefits to which they are entitled, keeps records of living…
M.V. Center for Living, the Island’s Dementia and Caregiver Support Network 508-939-9440 lesliec@mvcenter4living.org mvcenter4living.org Volunteers wanted for all interests! Call or email today. Regular Programs
MV Connect: Volunteering to keep our Island connected Healthy Aging Martha’s Vineyard (HAMV) is happy to announce MV Connect, a volunteer driver pilot program designed to help older adults on our Island get to scheduled medical appointments, errands, and enrichment activities. This pilot program hopes to build on the success of GoGoGrandparent, which has become a vital lifeline for many older adults in our community, providing more than 400 rides monthly. While GoGoGrandparent connects older adults…
Community Programs Easter Dinner Enjoy a meal delivered to your door on Easter Eve, Saturday, April 19. If you are alone, or will be unable to go out, call your local Council on Aging no later than Friday, April 11, to order your holiday meal. Edgartown: 508-627-4368 Oak Bluffs: 508-693-4509 Tisbury: 508-696-4205 Up-Island: 508-693-2896 A volunteer will deliver your meal on Easter Eve in an oven- and microwave-safe container for you to heat up at your convenience. Sponsored by your local Councils…
SHINE (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone) Barnstable County Regional SHINE office shine@capecod.gov 774-243-2953 capecod.gov/departments/human-services/initiatives/shine SHINE provides free health insurance information and assistance for Medicare-eligible adults and their caregivers. A new volunteer opportunity is waiting for you! The Cape Cod and Islands Regional SHINE program is seeking volunteers for our 2025 class! We screen, train, and certify all volunteers as Medicare experts,…
CORE senior services 508-693-7900, ext. 210 mvcommunityservices.org Counseling, Outreach and Referral for the Elderly (CORE) at M.V. Community Services works with at-risk and mostly home-bound seniors in the community, addressing significant physical, behavioral, social, and case management needs of seniors age 60+ at no cost to the client. The program strives to meet the needs of people who may otherwise avoid accessing treatment due to fear or inability to travel to M.V. Community Services. CORE…
On Sunday, March 30, at 2:30 pm, head over to West Tisbury Library for an afternoon of music featuring Missis Biskis. The band will take audiences from Hank (Wiliams) to Hendrix, and Loretta to Lucinda, covering tunes along the American highway. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, email wt_mail@clamsnet.org or call 508-693-3366. The post Missis Biskis concert at West Tisbury Library appeared first on The Martha's Vineyard Times.
The Vineyard Haven library will be presenting a virtual program to ensure that the Island community is prepared for the 2025 tick season. At 2 pm on Friday, March 28, Patrick Roden-Reynolds, director of the Martha’s Vineyard Tick-Borne Illness Reduction Initiative (a.k.a. the M.V. Tick Program) and public health biologist for the Inter-Island Public Health Excellence Collaborative, returns for a virtual presentation on “Tick Ecology, Behavior, and Protection Measures for 2025.” With the main…
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Comprehensive Financial Advisory Committee 03-24-2025
Planning Board 03-24-2025
FALL RIVER/NEW BEDFORD – Massachusetts officials celebrated the start of the MBTA’s South Coast Rail…
OSTERVILLE – Calmer Choice, a nonprofit organization based in Osterville and formerly Yarmouth, has…
SANDWICH – A Sandwich man has been charged with manslaughter related to the death of his mother…
HYANNIS – The Steamship Authority has named Zachary Lawrence as the next director of engineering…
OAK BLUFFS – The Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival is welcoming former New Zealand prime minister Jacinda…
EASTHAM – Chief Adam Bohannon is pleased to announce that the Eastham Police Department will be…