I don't believe we should celebrate anyone's death. Hitler's death was certainly celebrated, though. And if I was at this celebration I might have had a beer or two. And other mass murderers down through the ages have had parties as opposed to funerals. Naturally there are Americans whose spiritual or religious beliefs are put off by the somewhat excessive jubilation over the death of Osama bin Laden. I'm one of these people. Celebrations of death don't move me,

But I also believe that many felt a great sense of relief that he was dead and expressed it. Whether this can be described as a celebration or not, in a literal sense, is another story.

The U.S. news media, who barely seemed to mention that bin Laden had not been brought to justice during the Bush terms in office, is all over this one now that the mass murderer has been killed.

I look at it from what I believe was bin Laden's point of view. I remember years back while bin Laden was viewing the fall of the World Trade Center, a close-up of his face revealed a kind of giddy, nervous look. I didn't see only that. I saw a man who was scared to death, a man who never thought taking down the towers was even a possibility. A man who knew right there and then that he would be spending the remainder of his life on the run.

I believe the Saudi terrorists who took down the WTC were probably just as surprised that they could pull it off. Where the hell was the security? There was no security. Four airliners hijacked. No security. When you think of that now, it seems impossible. Because it is.

Now we find that "our pals" the Pakistanis have been watching U.S. blood flow in the search for bin Laden in Afghanistan. And while they have been watching this for ten years it is believed that approximately 6 years ago a large cement home was built overlooking a garrison town just 35 miles from Pakistan's Capital city Islamabad. 

You would have to be an idiot to think Pakistani officials of the highest order did not know about this house or who resided there. And there are other bin Laden associates hiding in plain sight in Pakistan. It reminds me of Argentina, when President Perez allowed all those Nazis' to move to sunny Argentina. The Israelis didn't like that and they went down there and got as many of the Nazis' as they could including the architect of the holocaust, Adolf Eichmann, the man with one of the worst plans of a century.

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It seems the bin Laden story will never end. Some so-called expert on Fox news said last night that Obama broke the law by having bin Laden killed. I was just getting out of the shower when I heard this bit of madness and I tried to comprehend the reasoning, couldn't, shut off the TV and put my pajamas on, and thought: Here they go - the Republicans have been after Obama to get bin Laden since he first took office, although they never criticized fellow Republican Bush for his eight years of non attempts. This "illegal" stuff on Fox, like most "news" on Fox, is of course not true.

Unfortunately for bin Laden, there were guns in his room. It was dark. A Seal is now saying that he thought bin Laden might go for one of those guns. Remember, this is the same guy who has often said the U. S. would never take him alive. Well, it didn't. The Seal team member in the room probably said he felt threatened, and that was all he needed to feel, to kill bin Laden.

Think you might have felt "threatened." I would have.

And just who is this propagandistic news media to begin questioning the military now, especially along their own partisan lines? You know, these partisan lines that are bad but can only be found among politicians in Washington? Well, what would you call the partisan lines between Fox news and NBC?

It is all partisan. It always will be.

I think of those Seals quite a bit though. It is not easy to make a hard landing in a chopper and run off into the great unknown, losing a chopper, but no men, while you are at it. This stuff always looks so easy on television where they show the cartoons that don' t show anything. You can't show the darkness. You can't see that each man was probably wearing 75 to 100 pounds of clothing and equipment. You can't read the Seal's mind as he enters a seemingly empty hallway. It all happens so fast.

Then there's the debriefing, probably by the CIA and the NIA and they are going to interview you as a group and one at a time and you might be out of commission for three days just being interviewed. So naturally, the story changes, different people notice different things. It takes some time to get a complete picture of what happened on the ground.

So we learn two days later that bin Laden was first shot in the leg and then the head. The Seal probably noticed the guns lying around and realized a kill shot would be necessary. Apparently bin Laden Jr. also put up some resistance and was shot and killed.

Inside the house the Seal team broke through walls searching for whatever they could find that might indicate when a terrorist attack might next take place. The Seals took all the hard drives from the computers. They took bin Laden's body gave him an ocean burial - which probably means they threw his corpse from a chopper into the ocean

So the story is over. The mass murderer is dead. This is how things quite often end for mass murderers. You could, however, be a mass murderer named Henry Kissinger who is directly responsible for tens of thousand of deaths in Vietnam. He is still "on the loose" in Manhattan. No one is looking for him. Or you could be a mass murderer named George W. Bush, down there on his Texas ranch, who lied to get the U.S. involved in a war where many thousands died.

What of these mass murderers?

And for the furry brained, you can't say they didn't kill Americans, but Obama did. Well, I say to you, what of the thousands of American soldiers lying in the ground today as a direct result of the misdeeds of these two men?

Almost makes you want to stop talking about mass murder, doesn't it?


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