U..S. citizens have to find a way to put the Supreme Court on the street, before its absurd and dangerous rulings begin to harm the nation's security. Many believe they already have. So provocative and hateful are the ideologies of several Supreme Court members that they actually lied under oath in the appearances before Congress which would decide their appointment. 

That - lying under oath - should be reason enough to hand these members their walking shoes.The matters are simple. Also a Justice has failed to recuse himsef on a matter in which he had an interest.

There are four Judges sitting on the bench who are more interested in extreme right-wing politics than the laws of this nation. Every American has to talk to their political representative about this court of criminals and what can be done to drive them out of the courtroom

Last year The Supreme Court of the United States set out to destroy this nation, and they got away with it with the simple passage of a law (Citizens United vs Federal Elections Commission) stating that from now on, corporations would have the same rights as citizens and that the money of corporations would be their "free speech." In other words, a corporation's free speech would be worth more than an average citizens'.   

There was an immediate negative reaction to this new law. A vastly more right-wing politician, with his pockets full of that Supreme Court - Corporate money, started filling up the Congress. Democrats soon got into the cash frenzy caused by the Supreme Court ruling too, Representative democracy went out the window. Why? Because the average individual in this society would prefer the kind of "free speech" that could be folded up and placed in his wallet. It would soon become far more popular than the free speech normally found in a healthy representative democracy.

Justice Clarance Thomas, the short African American justice is a man who began to scream racism the moment a young woman pointed an accusing finger in his direction during his Congressional hearings. She  was  accusing him of sexism. He is one of the men who ruled that speech could be money - if you had taken enough LSD, His wife, in fact, is a leader of one of these whacko right wing groups that want to make this nation an even more restrictive place for individuals.The group is further to the Right than the Tea Party. This is a court of ideology, not of laws.

There were more beneficiaries to this law as well - Big Oil, Wall Street, Banks, Health Care. All of these industries now have the same rights as breathing, talking, walking individuals.

I distinctly remember when Thomas was nominated, because his nomination was preceded by a young woman who had worked for him in the past. Many talked to her. She was an African American with absolutely no interest in sinking the chances of an Africal American, but she was also a law teacher and she also had a conscience. She said she wouldn't feel right if she didn't file a report on the sexism of Clarance Thomas.

Thomas immediately played his "trump card," calling the whole proceeding a ,"lynch mob" and threatened to remove himself from the nomination. Well, the white liberals just couldn't have that. It might have made them look like the racists they probably were. So in this disgusting and humiliating process the Supreme Court wound up with Justice Clarance Thomas on it bench

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But there would be more right-wingers to follow. Samuel Alito, is another right wing ideologue who could care less about law and more about the power he holds. Antonin Scalia, who knows only how to insert right wing ideology into law. Crazy politics is his plaything. Then there is  Chief Justice Roberts, a born liar, who actually lied to Congress when he was sworn in saying he would not seek to change "established law." Well the McCain - Finegold act was established law and he changed that as soon as it got in front of it - changed it into this Supreme Court scam-as-cash as free speech.

The Supreme Court's ruling has created an imbalance of power between government's branches. Whether by accident or by design, they have turned the government of the nation over to privately wealthy individuals. Americans have to take it back. You don't hear this kind of talk often on the news media, because they are owned and operated and overseen by the same power brokers who first received this prize from the court.

In fact, the full extent of the ruling is expected to become even more brutal in future years and to involve itself in more aspects of your life. For example, Remember the Koch Brothers, Charles and David who sneaked into Wisconsin showering millions of free speech among local politicians in a attempt to destroy the public union in that states? They, not surprisingly, because they are billionaries, are also beneficiaries of this corrupt Supreme Court ruling.

Recently, with their new rights of free speech the two issued a statement to all of their employees basically telling them who they could and could not vote for. It is free speech, right? Well the Koch Brothers wanted their employees to vote their ticket straight down the line, because if someone else gets in there, who knows, maybe our company won't be doing well and we will have to let you go . . .

So threats from corporations are apparently also regarded as "free speech' under the Supreme Court ruling

This Supreme Court of which everyone seem so in awe is nothing without its credibility and the backing of the citizens. It lost its credibility a long time ago and does not deserve the respect of the American people. That in itself has damaged severely its image as a fair-minded body of Judges. It is not. Most people in the U.S. would laugh in your face if you even suggested that the Supreme Court was fair.

According to an ABC-Washington Post poll, more than 80 percent of Americans disagreed with the "cash-is-free-speech" ruling. More than 65 percent of them disagreed with it "strongly."

This present Supreme Courts' actions have taken it out of the honest  and fair category that citizens expect from many courts.  The problem is that the United States Supreme Court no longer speaks for America or its constitution.

It speaks instead for a narrow group of right wingers who wouldn't know a real law if one fell on them on the way to a Tea Party rally. 

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