Abbot and Costello, the Three Stooges, the Marx Brothers. Sure you can name them, Their art was to make stupid look funny, and Hollywood paid them large amounts of money to do this. There were more like them, in fact. Real artists, who also had to be great athletes because most of them did their own stunts. Buster Keaton, for example, was a genius comic, director, and an athlete as well. It was not unusual to watch Keaton jump from the roof of one moving car to another. All these people are gone.
In their place, we have the stand-up, male and female comic with the funny irony thing than goes over so well today.Physical comedy is practically gone, and the art of making the stupid funny is also gone. No one likes the stupid anymore. And it doesn't come out of Hollywood like it did in the old days,
Today the truly stupid comes from Washington D.C. In a useless act of making it seem plausable, the Administration makes up inept lies which cause real reporters to weep. It is like the Nixon Administration is back, but this time Nixon is an African American trying to get just the right amount of support from the hapless progressive and the equally without-a-clue Independent.
And there is the stupidity. We don't pay people to be stupid anymore. In fact, in today's world we pay people a lot not to be stupid. So just what is it about Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama that seems so damned stupid. First off, almost everything they say about Pakistan is stupid. Secondly (and that will be the subject of the next column), we have the almost hallucinogenic stupidity of war in Afghanistan, followed by the criminally stupid idea of hanging out at the crime scene of the former illegal war in Iraq.
Is it funny that they seemed to understand a good deal of this before they were elected to office? No, that is not funny.
Is it funny that everyone in the world knows it is wrong except the U.S.? No that's not funny.
Would it be funny if both Obama and Clinton tried to jump from the roof or one moving car to another?
At this point, it would be a riot.
Osama bin Laden probably would have liked to have seen something like that, But there is not much you can do when you are suddenly awakened and shot in the eye. That is pretty much your day right there. But look where you have been living? Overloooking a beautiful village in Pakistan, where Pakistani officials will even admit they knew you began living only a few years after the tower's fell.
And we were listening to all these Bush and Cheney fairy tales about a city, literally carved into a mountainous region and nearly impossible to locate. And even if we did manage to discover it, that might not help. Yes, Mr. Cheney told the news media, he thought even "bunker buster" bombs couldn't reach the level under the earth where Obama was forced to dwell.
And all this time he was sitting on a hill in Pakistan, his wives gathered around him, laughing his butt off.
So what is Pakistan's reaction? First they lie outright. In fact, they are even angered that we would think they would be so low as to hide a mass murderer of people from all over the world who were at the WTC that day They would never do such a thing. They were honorable men. As it turns out ( and keeping in mind, this could be just another Pakistani lie) they say their national director of intelligence was helping (maybe, they are not quite sure, it could be people lower in rank than he) and maybe getting some kick backs from the the bin Laden family.
That means while our soldiers had been ordered to go into the mountains of Afghanistan on the border of Pakistan and get themselves all shot to kingdom come or lose their legs or arms, bin Laden had been sitting in the living room of a large house in Pakistan watching CNN - and again - laughing his butt off.
You see, bin Laden was the only man in the world who could really appreciate the humor in the kind of stupidity we're talking about here. He must have praised Allah every day for America's lousy school system and its government's general lack of critical thinking skills.
The money and expensive weapons to Pakistan while we lay off school teachers at home.We should not give Pakistan another penny.The government of Pakistan accepted money for nearly a decade from the U.S., when they could have told us where bin Laden was. The U.S., gave the Paristanis billions of dollars in weapon systems over that same period of time.We were their friends and they betrayed us in the worst possible way, which assisted in the killings of our own soldiers while we were busy arming Pakistan.
Now Obama says we have to retain a relationship with them because Pakistan is anxious to drop nuclear weapons on its arch rival (in its own paranoid mind) India. Well, that's good intellignece, Maybe we ough to share everything we know about it, including the location of Pakistan's nukes with the Indians.
That wouldn't be funny, would it?
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