It is Sunday that broad field of open hours for those of us who don't believe during which we can do just about anything. You might think from the headline that this is a piece on jokes, that jokes will be compared according to how funny they are, and that ultimately, this might even be a funny piece. You would be wrong on all those counts. This is just another piece of writing complaining about how unfunny everything is. In fact, this whining dissertation about what a mess of everything we've made is probably just one of thousands that will be written today.

What's more, of those thousands, this is probably not the best of those pieces, I haven't been whining my entire life like some writers, who just naturally are better. Masters, really. Most of the television news networks have already grabbed them up, however, so I am all you've got. Or you could not read me at all. I would be fine with that. You probably have a busy life, one certainly more important than mine and don't have the time to read my garbage. So stop. Or maybe you are on your way to church. If you are, then you shouldn't be reading me anyway. Remember, I am a non-believer. Isn't it a sin for you to read the words of a non-believer?

If it is not, it should be. It is in places like Libya.

Libya is a joke that has back-fired. But it has potential for a better outcome than many of us loudmouths first thought.  Everyone wants to jump on Obama for providing military aid to the rebels in Libya. Obama says he was just trying to avoid what he and his aides and other specialists believed might be a war crime. Khadaffi is, after all, a murderer and Libyans, to him, are just the people who clutter up the acreage surrounding his compound and torture center. 

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It took a long time for anyone to even hint at what this Libyan mission was all about. It is obviously a straight-out attempt to murder Khadaffi, maybe his sons too, if they are as crazy as their Dad.

Meanwhile al-Qadea must be scratching its collective sand flea-bitten head. Who are all these people throughout the Middle East who want liberation and really don't believe al-Qaeda is the answer? These are people who want something different.

They have experienced the whip of the dictatorship. Chances are they don't want their hands cut off for stealing or their wives stoned to death for supposed "infidelity." al-Qaeda is every bit as scary as Khadaffi to these people.

Then there's the oil folks. They believe we just went there to get the oil. Maybe. Maybe not. It doesn't really matter in the long run if the U.S. government is going to allow Wall St. to trade in oil commodity futures like it does now. Wall St. will keep the price at the pump artificially high as long as it wants. At this rate they could take it up to eight dollars a gallon or more like it is in London or Munich (It is probably more now.).

Wall St. believes we are too pampered as it is. Hell, it's even getting a little more difficult for them to steal from our pension funds. At this rate, they will have to move Wall Street right out of the nation. Put it down in Peking, China. Let's see how the Chinese deal with these thieves.

Now about these Republicans. They want to kill the unions. The Republicans will die in this attempt if they are stupid enough to keep going forward. But I believe they will retreat soon. That still leaves them running America's War on Women. There's even some legislation out there that puts the rights of the fetus above the woman's - and so women would be allowed to die - before the doctor even bothered to attempt an abortion.

Arizona has a particularly punitive anti-abortion law making its way to the governor's desk to be signed. So deep is the hatred of women by Republicans in Arizona, especially their female Governor, who is now officially not only a racist but a misogynist as well.

Minnesota Congressman Michele Bachmann is a legitimately funny politician. Normally it is not okay to laugh at stupid people. But, when they make it all the way to Congress, and are seriously considering running for President in 2012, it's open season on idiots. Michele Bachmann said recently that slavery ended with the signing of the constitution.

She also said that Lexington and Concord of Revolutionary War fame are located in New Hampshire. Those two crazed errors in fact alone should disqualify her to run for any office in the U.S. Heck, immigrants have to know more about this nation just to become citizens. But Bachmann, the stupid person, doesn't like immigrants.

Still, I can see Michele Bachmann as president. I can even see a massive backlash of stupid Americans if she is made fun of. The stupid in this nation are not going to take it much longer. In fact, the evidence is that they have already begun to fight back against reason, science, the obvious, nature, you name it.

Good sense is a dwindling commodity in the U.S. Ask any futures trader on Wall Street.



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