You remember trading those cards. For my generation it was mostly baseball cards. Later it would become Star Wars cards and so on. The deal was to find a sucker, now that I look back at it.The object was to leave the situation with more cards , or even less, just a better (usually statistically) group of players or characters. Hence the title of the piece.

I would give you three Barack Obama cards for one Hillary Clinton card without even a second thought. There he was with all his ambiguous "change has come to America" garbage rhetoric and standing right behind him was the person for the job. Hillary Clinton.

Looking back to 2008, if Hillary had won the nomination and eventually the White House, she would have been on slightly edgy but manageable terms with Progressives right now. She would be on excellent terms with liberals. And Democrats everywhere would know they had a real fighter in the White House. Instead we have this lap dog for the banking industry who could be more aptly described as a "Republicrat."

I am not going to run through all the wonderful things he has done for the Republicans and the very wealthy again, because frankly I have done it enough. And if makes me a little sick. A change is coming he told us. Yes the change was that George Bush II was going back to Texas and Obama was going into the White House. That was the change.  

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Hillary says she's not going to do four more years as Secretary of State. I can't say I blame her. It is tough to work for someone who doesn't know what he is doing. You listened to him yesterday as he waffled his way through what to do about Kadafi, even though he had the UN's permission in his back pocket to get rid of this murderer. Hillary held press conferences too. Hers, as usual, were more honest and to the point. She said Kadafi had to leave and if he refused they would throw him out. Could that be clear enough?

Imagine Hillary as president when this Republican governor in Wisconsin was trying to kill collective bargaining among union employees these past few weeks. Hillary would have been very public about it and she would have been on Gov. Walker's case every day. On the other hand our smarmy president brought it up twice maybe three times but didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

Hillary says she won't go against Obama in a primary in 2012, but I believe she should. Remember when RFK went after LBJ? That was good politics. It is not against the law. It is not bad manners. It is not even ungentlemanly. It is politics. Obama played fast and easy to squeeze Hillary out of the convention. That was a scam the candidate for "change" won simply because he was believed at the time. Do you think he would be in that While House today if we knew then what we know now.?

Obama and his perpetual wars for no reason. Change. Obama and his tax breaks for the rich. Change. Obama and his bail out of the robber barons. Change. Obama and his failed job programs. Change. Obama and his unkept promise to get some if not all of our rights back from the CIA and the FBI. Change. Obama and his healthcare program that gave the private insurance companies everything they wanted and at our expense. Change. Well, I did it anyway. I told you again why this guy is a bum.

If Hillary wants to run in the primary, I am one person who will do whatever I can for her. Mr "Change" can go back to Chicago. Figures he's from the "windy city." Maybe he can bring some of that wind back with him.

(author's note) Yesterday I learned for the first time that my best friend died back in 2007 of cancer. He died in Japan, a foreign correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, The London Times., and various other publications. He won a lot of awards. I could go on. Richard Hanson was among the best journalists of his time. He used to tell me I'd never make any money writing about music. "Write about music, you get music. Write about money, you get money."

We talked a lot about journalism when we were young, we never doubted that we'd do something special with it. I can't say I like this computer thing that keeps an obit up forever and kicks you in the gut suddenly on an otherwise perfectly good day. But Richard didn't want any of his friends to come over to Japan to watch him die. He was 56 years old and I will never forget him.

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